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<div align="center" style="font-size: 22pt">Two Player Demo</div><br />
| ReleaseName = Two Player Demo
| Image = [[Image:TwoPlayerDemoSS.png|190px]]<br />
''Two Player Demo<br />''Title Screen
| MusicalTheme = <!-- [[File:.ogg]]<br />&nbsp;
<!-- ''''<br />&nbsp; --> -- >
| ReleaseDate = Nov. 02, {{2002}}
| DemoVersion = Unknown
| Developer = {{EigenLenkDemo}}
| Publisher = {{EigenLenkDemo}}
| Designer = {{EigenLenkDemo}}
| Source = {{Source}}[[#Download|Yes]]
| Category = {{FanAGITechDemo}} {{TechDemo}}
| Type = {{InteractiveDemo}} {{FanAGITechDemo}}
| Genre = {{TechnicalHowToDemo}}
| Theme = {{N/ADemo}} N/A
| Engine = {{AGI2}}
| ESRBRating = {{ESRBUnrated}}
| Platform = {{DOSDemo}}
| Localization = {{EnglishDemo}}
| Website = [[wayback:20040404171256/http://www.hot.ee/alpond/index2.htm|www.hot.ee/alpond/index2.htm]] (web archive)

<br />
==<br /> General Information ==
==<br /> Description ==

[[Eigen Lenk]]'s  '''''2 Player Demo''''' is a demonstration to show how to use input from two players. It uses interpreter  version 2.917 with [[AGI Mouse]].
640 KB RAM required on PCjr.

=== Graphics ===
<!-- Add graphics info here -->
=== Sound ===
<!-- Add audio info here -->
=== Requirements ===
====<br /> MS-DOS ====
|- valign="top"
| width="200" | '''Minimum&nbsp;OS:''' ||
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;CPU:''' || Intel i286
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;RAM:''' || 512 KB
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;Video&nbsp;RAM:''' || N/A
|- valign="top"
| '''Graphics&nbsp;Modes:''' || Hercules, CGA, Tandy / PCjr, EGA, VGA, MCGA
|- valign="top"
| '''Audio&nbsp;Hardware:''' || PC Speaker,Tandy/PCjr Sound,Tandy with DAC,AdLib,Roland MT-32,Game Blaster (CMS),Sound Blaster,Generic MPU-401 MIDI,IBM Music Feature CardPC Speaker, Tandy/PCjr Sound, Tandy with DAC, AdLib, Roland MT-32, Game Blaster (CMS), Sound Blaster, Generic MPU-401 MIDI, IBM Music Feature Card
|- valign="top"
| '''Input&nbsp;Devices:''' || Keyboard, Mouse, Analog Joystick
|- valign="top"
| '''Media:''' || 3 3½" floppy diskettes
====<br /> Apple II ====
|- valign="top"
| width="200" | '''Minimum&nbsp;OS:''' || <!-- None (bootable game disk) -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;CPU:''' || <!-- Apple IIe -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;RAM:''' || <!-- 128 KB -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Graphics&nbsp;Modes:''' || <!-- Double Hi-Res -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Input&nbsp;Devices:''' || Keyboard, Joystick
|- valign="top"
| '''Media:''' || <!-- 5.25" floppy diskettes -->

==<br /> Versions ==
====<br /> Apple IIgs ====

{| class="wikitable sortable" width="800"
<!-- Game can be installed on HDD. -->
! width="435"|Game!!width="125"|Game Version!! width="165" |Interpreter Version!!width="75"|Date
|- valign="top"
| width="200" | '''Minimum&nbsp;OS:''' ||  
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| Two Player Demo||align="center"|<!--GameVer-->&nbsp;||align="center"|2.917||width="75" align="center"|[[2002]]
| '''Minimum&nbsp;CPU:''' || <!-- 8086, 8mHz or faster -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;RAM:''' || <!-- 512KB -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Input&nbsp;Devices:''' || Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick
|- valign="top"
| '''Media:''' || <!-- 3.5" floppy diskettes -->

==<br />Screenshots ==
====<br /> Mac ====

<!-- {| align="center" width="80%"
| align="center"|[[Image:TwoPlayerDemoSS1.png|320px]]
| align="center"|[[Image:TwoPlayerDemoSS2.png|320px]]
|- valign="top"
|} -->
| width="200" | '''Minimum&nbsp;OS:''' || <!-- System 6.0.7 -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;CPU:''' || <!-- Motorola 68040 -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;RAM:''' || <!-- 2 MB -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Graphics&nbsp;Modes:''' || <!-- 256 Colors Required -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Audio&nbsp;Hardware:''' || <!-- Roland MT-32 (and LAPC-I) -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Input&nbsp;Devices:''' || Keyboard, Mouse
|- valign="top"
| '''Media:''' || <!-- 3.5" floppy diskettes, CD -->
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;CD-ROM&nbsp;Speed:''' || <!-- 4X -->

==<br /> Synopsis ==
====<br /> Amiga ====

<!-- Place synopsis here -->
<span class="Inactive">N/A</span>
|- valign="top"
| width="200" | '''Minimum&nbsp;OS:''' || Kickstart 1.2
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;CPU:''' || Amiga 1000
|- valign="top"
| '''Minimum&nbsp;RAM:''' || 1 MB
|- valign="top"
| '''Graphics&nbsp;Modes:''' || OCS/ECS
|- valign="top"
| '''Sound&nbsp;Devices&nbsp;Supported:''' || Roland MT-32 (and LAPC-I)
|- valign="top"
| '''Input&nbsp;Devices:''' || Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick
|- valign="top"
| '''Media:''' || 3.5" floppy diskettes

==<br /> About ==
====<br /> Atari ST ====

|- valign="top"
| width="200" | '''Minimum&nbsp;OS:''' || 520 ST
|- valign="top"
| width="150" | '''Minimum&nbsp;RAM:''' || 512KB
|- valign="top"
| width="150" | '''Sound Devices:''' || Casio CZ-101 Roland MT-32 (and LAPC-I)
|-''' valign="top"
| '''Input&nbsp;Devices:''' || Keyboard, Mouse
|- valign="top"
| '''Media:''' || <!-- 3.5", 5.25" Double-sided floppy diskettes -->

==<br /> Downloads ==
==<br /> Exploring Game Resources ==
<!-- Resources notes here -->

<blockquote>* [[Image:ZIP.png|ZIP File]] [[File:2PlayerDemo(wSRC).zip|2 Player Demo with Source]]<span class="DLInfo"> (ZIP file) [67.9 KB]</span>
===<br /> Resources Used ===

=== <span class="Inactive">Demos</span> ===
* [[VIEW Resource (SCI)#VIEW|VIEW.*]] — View resources; 16 color sprite graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
* [[Picture Resource (SCI)#PIC|PIC.*]] — Picture resources; 16 color background graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
* [[Script Resource (SCI)#SCRIPT|SCRIPT.*]] — Script resources; the game logic. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
* [[Text Resource (SCI)#TEXT|TEXT.*]] — Text resources; series of ASCII strings. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
* [[Sound Resource (SCI)#SOUND|SOUND.*]] — Sound resources; MIDI music and some sound effects. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
* [[VOCAB Resource (SCI)#VOCAB|VOCAB.*]] — Vocabulary resources; Internal dictionary for the parser. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
* [[Font Resource (SCI)#FONT|FONT.*]] — Font resources; graphics to display text. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
* [[CURSOR Resource (SCI)#CURSOR|CURSOR.*]] — Cursor resources; graphics for the cursor or pointer. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
* [[Patch Resource (SCI)#PATCH|PATCH.*]] — Patch resources; Audio patch files. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.

* <span class="Inactive">N/A</span>
====<br /> External Resources ====

=== <span class="Inactive">Misc Downloads</span> ===

* [[File:ZIPInactive.png]] <span class="Inactive">None Available</span>
====<br /> Resource Tools ====
* [[Sierra Resource Viewer]] - Opens, views, and exports [[AGI]] and [[SCI]] game resources

==<br /> Walkthroughs/Hints ==
== Multiplayer ==

* <span class="Inactive">N/A</span>
None known.

==<br /> References ==
== <span class="Inactive">Patches</span> ==
<!--  Put patch history and general info here -->
* [[File:ZIPInactive.png]] <span class="Inactive">No Official Patch</span>
==<br /> New Installer ==
* [[File:Setup.png]] [[SHPBin:NewInstallers/SQ3ForDOSBox.zip|SHP New Space Quest 3 for DOSBox Installer]]<span class="DLInfo"> Setup File [663 KB]</span><br />
::Requires files from the original distribution media. Works with all versions of the game. Copy the files from your floppy disks into a temporary folder on your hard drive and run this installer from that folder.
==<br /> Debug Modes ==
===<br /> Debug mode in SCI0 games ===
Nearly all SCI0 games have an internal debugger, meaning a build-in debugger in the game's interpreter. Next to that, some games also have a script debugger. Like with AGI games, a script debugger is a debug script located directly in the game code itself, rather than in the interpreter's code.
====<br /> Internal Debugger ====
The internal debugger is activated by simultaneously pressing [SHIFT + SHIFT + MINUS] (the MINUS key located at the NUMERIC keypad). The debugger is/was mainly useful for programmers, but some things like changing variables can be easily done.
{| class="wikitable sortable" || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
! width="75" | Command !! width="300" | Action !! width="250" |Notes
|- valign="top"
| '''Q''' ||Quit game || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''B''' ||Set Breakpoint || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''A''' ||Inspect ID in accumulator || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''C''' || Inspect Current Set of Objects<br /><br />Press '''C''' to see all of the objects within that set. Press '''I''' to inspect the selector. Press '''E''' to edit that selector. || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''I''' ||Inspect Object/Memory<br /><br />Press cursor '''Up/Down''' to go up/down through the memory by 16 bytes and '''Left/Right''' to go up/down the memory by 2 bytes. || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''F''' ||Show free heap || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''S''' ||Show sends || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''R''' ||Show resource types || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''O''' ||Show objects in heap || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| ['''SHIFT + O'''] ||Show objects with addresses || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| ['''SHIFT + S'''] ||Show stack usage || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''G''' ||Change global variable || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''L''' ||Change local variable || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''T''' ||Change temp variable || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''ENTER''' ||Proceed single step through script. || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| '''TAB''' ||Step across send || &nbsp;
|- valign="top"
| ['''SHIFT + /'''] ||Help; shows list (incomplete) of shortcuts. || &nbsp;
Note that these are case sensitive, so [CAPS LOCK] should be deactivated.
Example: The room number is controlled by global variable 13. When the debug is activated, push [G]. It will ask which global variable should be changed. Enter "13". Now it will show the current value of the variable. Change this to your preferred, valid room number. Exit the debugger ([SHIFT + SHIFT + MINUS] or [SHIFT + SHIFT + D]) to see the effect.
====<br /> Script Debugger ====
The script debugger is a bit more interesting and often more extensive. Not all games have a script debugger, some of them were likely removed before the final release of the game. However, a fair number of games still have it. The script debugger is in most cases activated by typing a certain sentence in the game. This sentence differs from game to game.
When there isn't a sentence to type, but a debug is present in the game, it can be activated by changing the value of a certain global variable. An example of doing this is given in the previous chapter "Internal Debugger".
Note that in some games, the debug mode will be activated on room change.
When the script debugger is activated, the following general commands are available:
{| class="wikitable sortable" || &nbsp;
! width="150" | Command !! width="250" | Action !! width="350" |Notes
|- valign="top"
|[CTRL + left click]||Instant movement (of ego)||Does not work with Quest for Glory / Hero's Quest
|- valign="top"
|[SHIFT + left click]||Show coordinates||&nbsp;
=====<br /> Space Quest 3 =====
To activate the debug mode, type: "backstage pass"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="700"
! width="100" | Command !! width="600" | Action
|- valign="top"
|TP||Teleport (change room/scene/script)
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + E]||Show ego information
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + R]||Show current room number
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + Y]||Assign object
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + P]||Show priority screen
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + H]||Show free heap
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + C]||Show control lines
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + V]||Show visual screen
|- valign="top"
|[ALT + Z]||Quit
Another option is available in the starting room of the game: Type "QA" to get a selection screen with the choice between various game states (in space, arriving on different planets, ending).
== References ==

<references />
<references />
Line 85: Line 299:
==<br /> Related Links ==
==<br /> Related Links ==

* [[wayback:20040404171256/http://www.hot.ee/alpond/index2.htm|www.hot.ee/alpond/index2.htm]] (web archive)
* [[Space Quest Series]]
* [[:Category:Fan AGI Releases|Fan AGI Releases]]
* [[Roger Wilco]]
* [[Fan  Release List]]
* [[Exploring Game Resources]]

[[Category:Releases That Use Hacked AGI Interpreters]]
[[Category:Technical Pages]]
[[Category:Releases That Use AGI Mouse]]
<!-- [[Category:Game Resources]] -->
<!-- [[Category:Patch Pages]] -->
[[Category:Games with a Debug Mode]]

Latest revision as of 23:13, 15 February 2025

  This article is a technical stub page. You
can help the Sierra Wiki by expanding it.

General Information

640 KB RAM required on PCjr.





Minimum OS:
Minimum CPU: Intel i286
Minimum RAM: 512 KB
Minimum Video RAM: N/A
Graphics Modes: Hercules, CGA, Tandy / PCjr, EGA, VGA, MCGA
Audio Hardware: PC Speaker,Tandy/PCjr Sound,Tandy with DAC,AdLib,Roland MT-32,Game Blaster (CMS),Sound Blaster,Generic MPU-401 MIDI,IBM Music Feature CardPC Speaker, Tandy/PCjr Sound, Tandy with DAC, AdLib, Roland MT-32, Game Blaster (CMS), Sound Blaster, Generic MPU-401 MIDI, IBM Music Feature Card
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Analog Joystick
Media: 3 3½" floppy diskettes

Apple II

Minimum OS:
Minimum CPU:
Minimum RAM:
Graphics Modes:
Input Devices: Keyboard, Joystick

Apple IIgs

Minimum OS:
Minimum CPU:
Minimum RAM:
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick


Minimum OS:
Minimum CPU:
Minimum RAM:
Graphics Modes:
Audio Hardware:
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse
Minimum CD-ROM Speed:


Minimum OS: Kickstart 1.2
Minimum CPU: Amiga 1000
Minimum RAM: 1 MB
Graphics Modes: OCS/ECS
Sound Devices Supported: Roland MT-32 (and LAPC-I)
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick
Media: 3.5" floppy diskettes

Atari ST

Minimum OS: 520 ST
Minimum RAM: 512KB
Sound Devices: Casio CZ-101 Roland MT-32 (and LAPC-I)
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse

Exploring Game Resources

Resources Used

  • VIEW.* — View resources; 16 color sprite graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
  • PIC.* — Picture resources; 16 color background graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
  • SCRIPT.* — Script resources; the game logic. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
  • TEXT.* — Text resources; series of ASCII strings. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
  • SOUND.* — Sound resources; MIDI music and some sound effects. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • VOCAB.* — Vocabulary resources; Internal dictionary for the parser. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
  • FONT.* — Font resources; graphics to display text. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • CURSOR.* — Cursor resources; graphics for the cursor or pointer. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • PATCH.* — Patch resources; Audio patch files. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.

External Resources

Resource Tools


None known.


  • No Official Patch

New Installer

Requires files from the original distribution media. Works with all versions of the game. Copy the files from your floppy disks into a temporary folder on your hard drive and run this installer from that folder.

Debug Modes

Debug mode in SCI0 games

Nearly all SCI0 games have an internal debugger, meaning a build-in debugger in the game's interpreter. Next to that, some games also have a script debugger. Like with AGI games, a script debugger is a debug script located directly in the game code itself, rather than in the interpreter's code.

Internal Debugger

The internal debugger is activated by simultaneously pressing [SHIFT + SHIFT + MINUS] (the MINUS key located at the NUMERIC keypad). The debugger is/was mainly useful for programmers, but some things like changing variables can be easily done.

Command Action Notes
Q Quit game  
B Set Breakpoint  
A Inspect ID in accumulator  
C Inspect Current Set of Objects

Press C to see all of the objects within that set. Press I to inspect the selector. Press E to edit that selector.
I Inspect Object/Memory

Press cursor Up/Down to go up/down through the memory by 16 bytes and Left/Right to go up/down the memory by 2 bytes.
F Show free heap  
S Show sends  
R Show resource types  
O Show objects in heap  
[SHIFT + O] Show objects with addresses  
[SHIFT + S] Show stack usage  
G Change global variable  
L Change local variable  
T Change temp variable  
ENTER Proceed single step through script.  
TAB Step across send  
[SHIFT + /] Help; shows list (incomplete) of shortcuts.  

Note that these are case sensitive, so [CAPS LOCK] should be deactivated.

Example: The room number is controlled by global variable 13. When the debug is activated, push [G]. It will ask which global variable should be changed. Enter "13". Now it will show the current value of the variable. Change this to your preferred, valid room number. Exit the debugger ([SHIFT + SHIFT + MINUS] or [SHIFT + SHIFT + D]) to see the effect.

Script Debugger

The script debugger is a bit more interesting and often more extensive. Not all games have a script debugger, some of them were likely removed before the final release of the game. However, a fair number of games still have it. The script debugger is in most cases activated by typing a certain sentence in the game. This sentence differs from game to game.

When there isn't a sentence to type, but a debug is present in the game, it can be activated by changing the value of a certain global variable. An example of doing this is given in the previous chapter "Internal Debugger".

Note that in some games, the debug mode will be activated on room change.

When the script debugger is activated, the following general commands are available:

Command Action Notes
[CTRL + left click] Instant movement (of ego) Does not work with Quest for Glory / Hero's Quest
[SHIFT + left click] Show coordinates  

Space Quest 3

To activate the debug mode, type: "backstage pass"

Command Action
TP Teleport (change room/scene/script)
[ALT + E] Show ego information
[ALT + R] Show current room number
[ALT + Y] Assign object
[ALT + P] Show priority screen
[ALT + H] Show free heap
[ALT + C] Show control lines
[ALT + V] Show visual screen
[ALT + Z] Quit

Another option is available in the starting room of the game: Type "QA" to get a selection screen with the choice between various game states (in space, arriving on different planets, ending).


Related Links