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Latest revision as of 23:30, 15 February 2025
Copy the following and paste it into you new character page. Remember to change "Character Name" with the name of your character and "CharacterName" with the name of your character without spaces for the images. Add descriptions for each image added ("Description 1", etc.). In the "About" section add any relevant information or trivia about the character. Delete any categories (at the bottom of the section to copy) not applicable to your character, i.e. [[Category:Dynamix Characters]]
for a Sierra character, etc.
Copy and Paste
Characters to Add
To add a character click the name below. To add a character not listed below, edit the list to add it. Be careful of spelling and capitalizations (casing should be title casing with lower case articles, etc.). If you notice a mistake/typos in a name not yet created, edit this list to correct it. If you find a mistake in an existing entry, report it on that page's discussion tab.
Sierra Characters to Add
Sierra #
Sierra A
Sierra B
Sierra C
Code-Name: ICEMAN
Conquests of Camelot
Sierra #D
Dr. Brain Series
Sierra E
Sierra F
Sierra G
Gabriel Knight Series
Gold Rush!
Sierra H
Hi-Res Adventure Series
Wizard and the Princess (Adventure in Serenia)
- The Happy Wanderer
- King George
- Princess Priscilla
- Harlin (the evil wizard)
Sierra I
Sierra J
Sierra K
King's Quest Series Characters To Add
- King Graham
- Sir Graham
- Sir Grahame
- Princess Rosella
- Rosella
- Prince Alexander
- Alexander
- Queen Valanice
- Valanice
King's Quest 1 Characters To Add
- King Edward the Benevolent
- Fairy Godmother
- Leprechaun King
- The Sorcerer
- Bridge Troll
- Old Gnome
- Witch
- Princess Dahlia of Cumberland
King's Quest 2 Characters To Add
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Hagatha
- Dracula
- Monk
- King Neptune
- Good Fairy
- Genie
- Grandmother
- Big Bad Wolf
- Old Lady
- Pegasus
King's Quest 3 Characters To Add
- Gwydion
- Manannan
- Baby Bear
- Barmaid
- Medusa
- Mama Bear
- Papa Bear
- Rumplestiltskin
- Storekeeper
- Oracle of Llewdor
King's Quest 4 Characters To Add
- Good Fairy Genesta
- Evil Fairy Lolotte
- Edgar
- Fisherman
- Fisherman (King's Quest 4)
- Fisherman's Wife (King's Quest 4)
- Pan (King's Quest 4)
- Cupid (King's Quest 4)
- Minstrel (King's Quest 4)
- Frankie of Avalon?
King's Quest 5 Characters To Add
- King Antony (the Great)
- Queen Beetrice
- Prince Herbert of Greys
- Princess Alicia
- Old Gnome
- Madame Mushka
- Witch of the Dark Forest
- Aliases
- The Black Forest Witch
- Old Witch (King's Quest V) <== Disamb?
King's Quest 6 Characters To Add
- Ali the Bookseller
- Ancient Ones
- Arch Druid
- Beast
- Beauty
- Bill Batter
- Black Widow
- Bookworm
- Bump-on-a-Log
- Captain Saladin
- Charon
- Dangling Participle
- Death's Gate
- Gate
- Derek Karlavaegen
- Dipthong
- Fallen Knight
- Five Gnomes of the Senses
- Gatekeeper
- Grovernor
- Sergeant Gruff
- Grump-Frump
- Hakim the Pawnbroker
- Hassan the Ferryman
- Hole-in-the-Wall
- Jollo
- Keyholder
- King Caliphim
- Lady Aeriel
- Lady Celeste
- Lampseller
- Lord Azure
- Minotaur
- Nightmare
- Oracle
- Oxymoron
- Princess Cassima
- Prince Cocteau the Thrice Blessed
- Queen Allaria
- Red Queen
- Rotten Tomato
- Samhain, Lord of the Dead
- Sense Gnomes
- Shadrack
- Shamir
- Shamir Shamazel
- Sing-Sing
- Stick-in-the-Mud
- Tired Oyster
- Tom Trow
- Trilly Dilly
- Vizier Abdul Alhazred
- Wallflowers
- White Queen
- Winged Guard
- Winged Ones
- Woof
- Aliases
- 5 Gnomes of the Senses
- Abdul Alhazred
- Aeriel
- Alhazred
- Allaria
- The Ancient Ones
- Caliphim
- Cassima
- Celeste
- Cocteau
- Djinn
- Djinni
- The Fallen Knight
- Genie
- The Genie
- Hakim
- Hakim the Pawnshop Owner
- The Lampseller
- The Minotaur
- The Oracle
- The Tired Oyster
- The Oyster
- Pawnbroker
- Pawnshop Owner
- Prince Cocteau
- The Red Queen
- Saladin
- Sense Gnomes
- The Sense Gnomes
- Shamir Shamazel the Genie
- The White Queen
- The Winged Guard
- The Winged Ones
King's Quest 7 Characters To Add
- Lord Attis, Attis
- Lady Ceres, Ceres
- Dr. Cadaver
- Fifi le Yip-Yap
- Fernando
- Iggy
- King Otar
- Mathilde
- Oberon
- Titania
- Treasure
- Mr. Bugbear
- Mr. Nibbler
- Black Valiant
- Ghoul Kids
- Mab
- Clotho
- Lachesis
- Weaver of Dreams
- Count Vladimir Tsepish
- Elspeth Tsepish
- The Boogeyman
King's Quest MoE Characters To Add
- Connor of Daventry
- Apothecary Gnome
- Archon
- Armor Seller Gnome
- Azriel, Lord of the Dead
- Charon
- Crystal Mystic
- Daventry Official
- Gwennie
- Henchman
- Hillman
- Ice Lord
- Ice Orc Foot Soldier
- King Gryph
- King Mudge
- Lady of the Lake
- Lucreto
- Oracle of the Tree
- Queen Freesa
- Sage Gnome
- Sara
- Skeleton #1
- Skeleton #2
- Spirit Knight
- Swamp Wisps
- Swamp Witch
- Sylph
- Ugly Beast
- Unicorn (MoE)
- Weapon Seller Gnome
- Weirdling Tradesman
- Wizard of Daventry (MoE)
- Aliases
Sierra L
Leisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry Characters To Add
Leisure Suit Larry 1 Characters To Add
Leisure Suit Larry 2 Characters To Add
- Kalalau
- [[]]
- [[]]
Leisure Suit Larry 3 Characters To Add
Leisure Suit Larry 5
Leisure Suit Larry 6
Leisure Suit Larry 7
Sierra M
Sierra N
Sierra O
Sierra P
Pepper's Adventures in Time
Phantasmagoria Series
= Phantasmagoria =
= Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh =
Police Quest
= Police Quest 1 =
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
Sierra Q
Quest for Glory Series
Quest for Glory I
Sierra R
Sierra S
Shivers Series
Shivers Two: Harvest of Souls
Space Quest
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
Sierra T
Torin's Passage
Sierra U
Sierra V
Sierra W
Sierra X
Sierra Y
Sierra Z
Dynamix Characters to Add
Dynamix #
Dynamix A
A-10 Tank Killer
Dynamix B
Dynamix C
Dynamix D
David Wolf
Die Hard
Dynamix E
Dynamix F
Dynamix G
Dynamix H
Heart of China
- Kate Lomax played by Kimberly Greenwood
- Tong played by Roger Emmert
- Nurse Assistant played by Aimee Chen
- small boy played by Jeffryn Leung
- Woman played by Chen Xingping
- Girl played by Liana Leung
- Boy played by Justin Leung
- 'Lucky' Jake Masters played by Andrew DeRycke
- Jake Masters played by Andrew DeRycke
- Eugene Lomax played by Arnie Laferty
- Qwon played by Alan Kreitz
- Rickshaw Driver played by Siping Li
- Chi played by David Leung
- Ho played by Yexin Wu
- Bargirl played by Nu Hinton
- Old Salt played by Randy Dersham
- Thug played by Paul Tan
- Thug played by Steven Seah
- Thug played by Vance Kim
- Shanghai Pirate played by Roger Smith
- Master Wu played by Kazuko Renes
- Secretary played by Nicole Starling-Henderson
- Secretary played by Sher Alltucker
- Immigration Official played by Kevin Ryan
- Li Deng played by Fred Ikeda
- Attendant to Kate played by Youn Kim
- Gong Ringer played by Douglas Zalud-Mackie
- Fortress Guards played by Mocha
- Fortress Guards played by Qing Yang
- Fortress Guards played by Fred Lee
- Fortress Guards played by Paul Tan
- Peasant played by Matt Burton, Chris Mooney Junior's, brown cow
- Kubla the Sherpa boy played by Elliot Jenkins
- Kubla's Mother played by Bea Harpham
- Ama played by Nancy Chen
- Han Bojon played by Demetri Liontos
- Jyapu Han's assistant played by Robert Caracol
- Telegraph Operator played by Maribelle Caracol
- Llama played by Kazuko Renes
- Sardar played by Douglas Zalud-Mackie
- Bartender played by Art Broncheau
- Tavern Patron played by Levaun Sheperd
- Tavern Patron played by Derek Harry
- Tavern Patron played by Skip Horn
- Tavern Patron played by Alfredo Galindo
- villager played by Nancy Chong
- villager played by Dennis Chong
- villager played by Emily Chong
- villager played by Setsu Marshall
- villager played by Michelle Henderson
- villager played by David Wilson
- Mahir the Mechanic played by Francesco Arellano
- Acayib the Camel merchant played by Cyrus Kanga
- Beggar Boy played by Tyrone Reynolds
- Beggar Boy played by Tiyson Reynolds
- Kazeem the Pawnbroker played by James B. Valentine
- Mohmar the Shell Game played by Alan K. White
- Bartender played by Damon Slye (British Guard]]
- British Officer played by Wade Willis
- British Officer played by David Rizzi
- British Officer played by Michael Jahnke
- Beggar woman played by Sondra Stenius
- Turkish color Guard played by Scott Coleman
- Turkish guards played by Mark Mattison
- Turkish guards played by Cliff Sarnial
- Turkish guards played by Rick Lewis
- Man being tourtured played by Forrest Walker
- Woman played by Annete Kreitz
- Baby played by Anthony Kreitz
- Turkish Boy played by Shanti Sagrada
- Nabob played by Jim Appel
- Nabob's daughter played by Jane Wojick
- Harem played by Penny James
- Harem played by Jenny James
- Harem played by Denna Sundstrom
- Harem played by Diana Taylor
- Harem played by Margaret Whaley
- Harem played by Roxanna Olesijuk
- Lucky's Royal children played by Daolo Zalud-Mackie
- Lucky's Royal children played by Jack Alltucker
- Lucky's Royal children played by Briney Alltucker
- Lucky's Royal children played by Rebekah Freedman
- Lucky's Royal children played by Adam Brewer
- Ticket Booth played by Matteo Zachai
- Reporter played by Dan Bruno
- Woman Traveler played by Phyllis Herlocker
- Young woman played by Jenny Caneen
- Dignitary played by Steven Tague
- Paris flapper played by Suzanne Koelker
- Paris flapper played by Sher Alltucker
- Gendarme played by Peter Holden
- Gendarme played by Daniel Brown
Dynamix I
Dynamix J
Johnny Castaway
Dynamix K
Dynamix L
Dynamix M
Dynamix N
[Nova 9: Return of Gir Draxon
Dynamix O
Dynamix P
Dynamix Q
Dynamix R
Rise of the Dragon
Dynamix S
Dynamix T
Dynamix U
Dynamix V
Dynamix W
Willy Beamish
Dynamix X
Dynamix Y
Dynamix Z
Coktel Vision Characters to Add
Coktel Vision #
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Coktel Vision A
Asterix Series
Coktel Vision B
Bargon Attack
Coktel Vision C
Coktel Vision D
Coktel Vision E
Coktel Vision F
Coktel Vision G
Gobliiins Series
Goblins Quest 3
- Blount
- Were-Blount
- Chump
- Wynonna
- Herc
- Gromelon
- Mac (Character)
- Bonsai
- Kendo
- Zembla
- Django
- Punky
- Vampire (Goblins Quest 3)
- Ghost (Goblins Q 3)
- King (Goblins Quest 3)
- Princess (Goblins Quest 3)
- Knight (Goblins Quest 3)
- Othello
- Captain (Goblins Quest 3)
- Korin
- Fourballus
- Ooya
- Inca (Character)
- Fulbert
- Wolfy
- Bizoo
- Queen (Goblins Quest 3)
- Tibo
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
Coktel Vision H
Coktel Vision I
Coktel Vision J
Coktel Vision K
Coktel Vision L
Coktel Vision M
Coktel Vision N
Coktel Vision O
Coktel Vision P
Coktel Vision Q
Coktel Vision R
Coktel Vision S
Coktel Vision T
Coktel Vision U
Coktel Vision V
Coktel Vision W
Coktel Vision X
Coktel Vision Y
Coktel Vision Z