Platform Templates to Do: Difference between revisions
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sierraw>Andrew Branscom |
(No difference)
Revision as of 17:33, 30 August 2022
- 3DO - 3DO
- Template:3DOCollect - 3DOCollect
- Template:3DODemo - 3DODemo
- 3DO - 3DOPlatform
- 3DO - 3DOSeries
- Amiga - Amiga
- Template:AmigaCollect - AmigaCollect
- Amiga - AmigaDemo
- Amiga - AmigaPlatform
- Amiga - AmigaSeries
- Template:Amstrad - Amstrad
- Template:AmstradCollect - AmstradCollect
- Template:AmstradDemo - AmstradDemo
- Amstrad CPC - AmstradPlatform
- Template:AmstradSeries - AmstradSeries
- Amstrad CPC - AmstradCPC
- Template:AmstradCPCCollect - AmstradCPCCollect
- Template:AmstradCPCDemo - AmstradCPCDemo
- Template:AmstradCPCPlatform - AmstradCPCPlatform
- Template:AmstradCPCSeries - AmstradCPCSeries
- Android - Android
- Android - AndroidCollect
- Template:AndroidDemo - AndroidDemo
- Template:AndroidPlatform - AndroidPlatform
- Android - AndroidSeries
- Apple IIGS - AppleIIGS
- Template:AppleIIGSCollect - AppleIIGSCollect
- Template:AppleIIGSDemo - AppleIIGSDemo
- Apple IIGS - AppleIIGSPlatform
- Apple IIGS - AppleIIGSSeries
- Apple II - AppleII
- Template:AppleIICollect - AppleIICollect
- Apple II - AppleIIDemo
- Apple II - AppleIIPlatform
- Apple II - AppleIISeries
- Template:Apple - Apple
- Template:AppleCollect - AppleCollect
- Template:AppleDemo - AppleDemo
- Apple - ApplePlatform
- Template:AppleSeries - AppleSeries
- Atari - AtariPlatform
- Template:AtariCollect - AtariCollect
- Template:AtariDemo - AtariDemo
- Atari - AtariPlatform
- Template:AtariSeries - AtariSeries
- Atari 8-bit - Atari8bit
- Template:Atari8bitCollect - Atari8bitCollect
- Template:Atari8bitDemo - Atari8bitDemo
- Atari 8-bit - Atari8bitPlatform
- Atari 8-bit - Atari8bitSeries
- Atari ST - AtariST
- Template:AtariSTCollect - AtariSTCollect
- Template:AtariSTDemo - AtariSTDemo
- Atari ST - AtariSTPlatform
- Atari ST - AtariSTSeries
- -
- C-64 - C64
- Template:C64Collect - C64Collect
- Template:C64Demo - C64Demo
- Commodore 64 - C64Platform
- C64 - C64Series
- CD-i - CDi
- Template:CDiCollect - CDiCollect
- Template:CDiDemo - CDiDemo
- Template:CDiPlatform - CDiPlatform
- Template:CDiSeries - CDiSeries
- Template:CDTVCollect - CDTVCollect
- Template:CDTVDemo - CDTVDemo
- Commodore CDTV - CDTVPlatform
- Template:CDTVSeries - CDTVSeries
- Dreamcast - Dreamcast
- Template:DreamcastCollect - DreamcastCollect
- Template:DreamcastDemo - DreamcastDemo
- Template:DreamcastPlatform - DreamcastPlatform
- Template:DreamcastSeries - DreamcastSeries
- FM-7 - FM7
- Template:FM7Collect - FM7Collect
- Template:FM7Demo - FM7Demo
- Fujitsu FM-7 - FM7Platform
- FM-7 - FM7Series
- FM Towns - FMTowns
- Template:FMTownsCollect - FMTownsCollect
- Template:FMTownsDemo - FMTownsDemo
- FM Towns - FMTownsPlatform
- FM Towns - FMTownsSeries
- Game Boy Color - GameBoyColor
- Template:GameBoyColorCollect - GameBoyColorCollect
- Template:GameBoyColorDemo - GameBoyColorDemo
- Template:GameBoyColorPlatform - GameBoyColorPlatform
- Template:GameBoyColorSeries - GameBoyColorSeries
- Template:Genesis - Genesis
- Template:GenesisCollect - GenesisCollect
- Template:GenesisDemo - GenesisDemo
- Template:GenesisPlatform - GenesisPlatform
- Template:GenesisSeries - GenesisSeries
- Template:IBM - IBM
- Template:IBMCollect - IBMCollect
- Template:IBMDemo - IBMDemo
- IBM - IBMPlatform
- Template:IBMSeries - IBMSeries
- iOS - IOS
- Template:IOSCollect - IOSCollect
- Template:IOSDemo - IOSDemo
- Template:IOSPlatform - IOSPlatform
- iOS - IOSSeries
- Linux - Linux
- Template:LinuxCollect - LinuxCollect
- Template:LinuxDemo - LinuxDemo
- Linux - LinuxPlatform
- Linux - LinuxSeries
- Template:MSXCollect - MSXCollect
- Template:MSXDemo - MSXDemo
- Sony MSX - MSXPlatform
- MSX - MSXSeries
- Template:NESCollect - NESCollect
- Template:NESDemo - NESDemo
- Template:NESPlatform - NESPlatform
- NES - NESSeries
- Palm OS - PalmOS
- Template:PalmOSCollect - PalmOSCollect
- Template:PalmOSDemo - PalmOSDemo
- Template:PalmOSPlatform - PalmOSPlatform
- Template:PalmOSSeries - PalmOSSeries
- PC8000 - PC8000
- Template:PC80Collect - PC80Collect
- Template:PC80Demo - PC80Demo
- Template:PC80Platform - PC80Platform
- PC80 - PC80Series
- PC-88 - PC88
- Template:PC88Collect - PC88Collect
- Template:PC88Demo - PC88Demo
- PC-88 - PC88Platform
- PC-88 - PC88Series
- PC-98 - PC98
- Template:PC98Collect - PC98Collect
- Template:PC98Demo - PC98Demo
- PC-98 - PC98Platform
- PC-98 - PC98Series
- PC Booter - PCBooter
- Template:PCBooterCollect - PCBooterCollect
- Template:PCBooterDemo - PCBooterDemo
- PC Booter - PCBooterPlatform
- PC Booter - PCBooterSeries
- PCjr - PCjr
- Template:PCjrCollect - PCjrCollect
- Template:PCjrDemo - PCjrDemo
- Template:PCjrPlatform - PCjrPlatform
- PCjr - PCjrSeries
- Template:PS - PS
- Template:PSCollect - PSCollect
- Template:PSDemo - PSDemo
- Template:PSPlatform - PSPlatform
- PlayStation - PSSeries
- PlayStation 2 - PS2
- Template:PS2Collect - PS2Collect
- Template:PS2Demo - PS2Demo
- PlayStation 2 - PS2Platform
- PlayStation 2 - PS2Series
- PlayStation 3 - PS3
- Template:PS3Collect - PS3Collect
- Template:PS3Demo - PS3Demo
- Template:PS3Platform - PS3Platform
- PlayStation 3 - PS3Series
- PlayStation 4 - PS4
- Template:PS4Collect - PS4Collect
- Template:PS4Demo - PS4Demo
- Template:PS4Platform - PS4Platform
- PlayStation 4 - PS4Series
- Template:SEGACollect - SEGACollect
- Template:SEGADemo - SEGADemo
- Template:SEGAPlatform - SEGAPlatform
- Template:SEGASeries - SEGASeries
- Sega CD - SegaCD
- Template:SegaCDCollect - SegaCDCollect
- Template:SegaCDDemo - SegaCDDemo
- SegaCD - SegaCDPlatform
- Sega CD - SegaCDSeries
- SEGA Master System - SEGAMasterSystem
- Template:SEGAMasterSystemCollect - SEGAMasterSystemCollect
- Template:SEGAMasterSystemDemo - SEGAMasterSystemDemo
- SEGA Master System - SEGAMasterSystemPlatform
- SEGA Master System - SEGAMasterSystemSeries
- Sega Saturn - SegaSaturn
- Template:SegaSaturnCollect - SegaSaturnCollect
- Template:SegaSaturnDemo - SegaSaturnDemo
- Template:SegaSaturnPlatform - SegaSaturnPlatform
- Sega Saturn - SegaSaturnSeries
- Sharp MZ - SharpMZ
- Template:SharpMZCollect - SharpMZCollect
- Template:SharpMZDemo - SharpMZDemo
- Template:SharpMZPlatform - SharpMZPlatform
- Sharp MZ - SharpMZSeries
- Sharp X1 - SharpX1
- Template:SharpX1Collect - SharpX1Collect
- Template:SharpX1Demo - SharpX1Demo
- Template:SharpX1Platform - SharpX1Platform
- Sharp X1 - SharpX1Series
- Template:SNESCollect - SNESCollect
- Template:SNESDemo - SNESDemo
- SNES - SNESPlatform
- Template:SNESSeries - SNESSeries
- Tandy - Tandy
- Template:TandyCollect - TandyCollect
- Template:TandyDemo - TandyDemo
- Tandy - TandyPlatform
- Tandy - TandySeries
- Tandy 1000 - Tandy1000
- Template:Tandy1000Collect - Tandy1000Collect
- Template:Tandy1000Demo - Tandy1000Demo
- Tandy 1000 - Tandy1000Platform
- Tandy 1000 - Tandy1000Series
- Tandy 2000 - Tandy2000
- Template:Tandy2000Collect - Tandy2000Collect
- Template:Tandy2000Demo - Tandy2000Demo
- Tandy 2000 - Tandy2000Platform
- Tandy 2000 - Tandy2000Series
- TandyCC3 - TandyCC3
- Template:TandyCC3Collect - TandyCC3Collect
- Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer Credits - TandyCCCredits
- Template:TandyCC3Demo - TandyCC3Demo
- Tandy Color Computer 3 - TandyCC3Platform
- Tandy CC3 - TandyCC3Series
- Tandy VIS - TandyVIS
- Template:TandyVISCollect - TandyVISCollect
- Template:TandyVISDemo - TandyVISDemo
- Template:TandyVISPlatform - TandyVISPlatform
- Tandy VIS - TandyVISSeries
- Thomson MO5 - ThomsonMO5
- Template:ThomsonMO5Collect - ThomsonMO5Collect
- Template:ThomsonMO5Demo - ThomsonMO5Demo
- Template:ThomsonMO5Platform - ThomsonMO5Platform
- Template:ThomsonMO5Series - ThomsonMO5Series
- Thomson TO7 - ThomsonTO7
- Template:ThomsonTO7Collect - ThomsonTO7Collect
- Template:ThomsonTO7Demo - ThomsonTO7Demo
- Template:ThomsonTO7Platform - ThomsonTO7Platform
- Template:ThomsonTO7Series - ThomsonTO7Series
- Windows 3x - Win3x
- Windows 3x - Win3xCollect
- Windows 3x - Win3xDemo
- Template:Win3xPlatform - Win3xPlatform
- Windows 3x - Win3xSeries
- Windows 9x - Win9x
- Windows 9x - Win9xCollect
- Win9x - Win9xDemo
- Template:Win9xPlatform - Win9xPlatform
- Windows 9x - Win9xSeries
- Windows Phone - WinPhone
- Template:WinPhoneCollect - WinPhoneCollect
- Template:WinPhoneDemo - WinPhoneDemo
- Template:WinPhonePlatform - WinPhonePlatform
- Windows Phone - WinPhoneSeries
- X68000 - X68000
- Template:X68000Collect - X68000Collect
- Template:X68000Demo - X68000Demo
- Sharp X68000 - X68000Platform
- Template:X68000Series - X68000Series
- Xbox - Xbox
- Template:XboxCollect - XboxCollect
- Template:XboxDemo - XboxDemo
- Xbox - XboxPlatform
- Xbox - XboxSeries
- Xbox 360 - Xbox360
- Template:Xbox360Collect - Xbox360Collect
- Template:Xbox360Demo - Xbox360Demo
- Template:Xbox360Platform - Xbox360Platform
- Xbox 360 - Xbox360Series
- Xbox One - XboxOne
- Template:XboxOneCollect - XboxOneCollect
- Template:XboxOneDemo - XboxOneDemo
- Template:XboxOnePlatform - XboxOnePlatform
- Xbox One - XboxOneSeries
- Zenith Z-89 - Z89
- Template:Z89Collect - Z89Collect
- Template:Z89Demo - Z89Demo
- Zenith Z-89 - Z89Platform
- Template:Z89Series - Z89Series
- ZX Spectrum - ZXSpectrum
- Template:ZXSpectrumCollect - ZXSpectrumCollect
- Template:ZXSpectrumDemo - ZXSpectrumDemo
- ZX Spectrum - ZXSpectrumPlatform
- Template:ZXSpectrumSeries - ZXSpectrumSeries