Police Quest: Open Season Technical: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 01:11, 3 June 2024
Release Info | Releases | Release Credits | Development | Technical | Cover Art | Screenshots | Media | Manual | Contents | Soundtrack | Misc
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General Information
Minimum OS: Minimum CPU: Intel i386 SX Minimum RAM: 4 MB Minimum Video RAM: N/A Graphics Modes: VGA, VESA, SVGA Audio Hardware: AdLib,Adlib Gold,Roland MT-32,Sound Blaster,Pro Audio Spectrum,PS/1 Audio Card,General MIDI,Microsoft Sound SystemAdLib, Adlib Gold, Roland MT-32, Sound Blaster, Pro Audio Spectrum, PS/1 Audio Card, General MIDI, Microsoft Sound System Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse Media: 1 CD discs
Minimum OS: Minimum CPU: Minimum RAM: Graphics Modes: Audio Hardware: Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse Media: Minimum CD-ROM Speed:
Exploring Game Resources
Resources Used
- *.V56 — View Resource; 256 color sprite graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
- *.P56 — Picture resources; 256 color background graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
- *.SCR — Script resources; Scripts (static data). Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
- *.TEX — Text resources; Texts (deprecated in favor of messages). Location: RESOURCE.00*
- *.SND — Sound resources; MIDI music and some sound effects. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
- *.VOC — Vocab; not used.[1]. Location: RESOURCE.00*.
- *.FON — Font resources; Graphics to display text. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
- *.CUR — Cursor resources; Mouse cursors (deprecated in favor of v56-based cursors). Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
- *.PAT — Patch resources; audio patch files. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir
- *.PAL — Palette resources; 256 color palette files. Location: RESOURCE.00*, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
- *.AUD — Audio resources; voice and digital sound effects. Location: RESOURCE.SFX, patchDir.
- *.SYN — Audio resources; audio synchronization. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
- *.MSG — Message resources; text plus metadata. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir
- *.HEP — Heap resources; dynamic script data.[2] Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
- Sync36 — Sync36 resources; Audio36 synchronization. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
- *.WAV — Audio Wave resources; 16-bit PCM mono 22050 Hz audio resource. Location: RESOURCE.SFX, external, patchDir.
External Resources
- *.MAP — Map Resource; lookup tables for the individual resources. Location: external, RESSCI.00*, patchDir.
- Audio36 — Audio36 resources. Location: RESOURCE.SFX, external, patchDir.
- *.SEQ — Sequence resources; cut scenes resources. Location: external, patchDir.
- *.RBT — Robot video resources. Location: external, patchDir.
- *.VMD — VMD videos (external). Location: external, patchDir.
- *.WAV — Audio wave resources; 16-bit PCM mono 22050 Hz audio resource. Location: RESOURCE.SFX, external, patchDir.
Resource Tools
- Sierra Resource Viewer - Opens, views, and exports AGI and SCI game resources
Police Quest IV Handcuff Patch B (PQ4CUF) (ZIP file) [20.7 KB]
For floppy Version only. On a few slower computer systems, it is extremely difficult or impossible to arrest Walker in City Hall. This patch will give you more time to put the handcuffs on the suspect.
Police Quest IV 1.0c Update (PQ4PAT) (ZIP file) [370 KB]
- For floppy Version. Updates your copy of Police Quest to version 1.0c from versions 1.0, 1.0a or 1.0b. Fixes:
- Lockups in the shoot-out scene.
- Problems with Emo if the game was saved at a certain point in the shoot-out scene.
- Not being able to scroll through cursor icons at one point.
- All cursors acting like the talk cursor at one point.
- Not getting the full amount of points when using the 90 degree mirror.
- Lockups after certain DAC sounds played.
Police Quest IV Gravis UltraSound Drivers (GUS32) (ZIP file) [273 KB]
- These Gravis Ultrasound Drivers will work with some Sierra 32 bit games. These drivers will not work on earlier Sierra games.
New Installer
SHP New Police Quest 4 for DOSBox Installer Setup File [1.02 MB]
- Now works with both CD and floppy versions. If installing the CD version, it will install the entire game to the hard drive for CD-less play. If installing the floppy version, be sure you have DOSBox installed in Program Files\DOSBox before running installer. If you do not, you must be online to when you install the game to allow the installer to download and install DOSBox for you or the audio file will not be decompressed. To accommodate PCs without a floppy drive, for the floppy version this installer is designed to work by using the files from the original media copied to the harddrive. Because some files are named the same, the files from multiple disks often need to be kept separate to avoid overwriting each other. To install these games:
- Create a temporary folder on the hard drive.
- Inside this folder, create a numbered folder for each disk, i.e. "1" for disk 1, "2" for disk 2, etc. one for each disk.
- Copy the contents (files and folders) of each disk into its appropriately numbered folder,
- Copy DOSBox installer for the game into the same temporary folder.
- Run the installer from this same folder.
Debug Modes
Debugging requires extracting specific scripts from the RESOURCE.00* file. Again, the Sierra Resource Viewer is the tool to use.
Police Quest 4 (Disk version)The "magic" script is 1. Extract 1.SCR/1.HEP.
Command Action Notes [ALT + A] Show cast (information about all objects on screen) [ALT + D] Dialog editor Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + E] Show ego information [ALT + F] Show features Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + I] Get inventory item [ALT + J] Justify text on screen This option is very buggy or will crash game instantly [ALT + K] Show palette Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + O] Create obstacles This option is very buggy or will crash game instantly [ALT + P] Show priority map Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + R] Show room info / free memory [ALT + S] Switch alter ego This option is very buggy or will crash game instantly [ALT + T] Teleport (change room/scene/script) [ALT + U] Give HandsOn (return user control) [ALT + V] Show visual map Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + W] Feature writer Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + X] Exit game [ALT + Y] Toggle CD rooms Confirmed by a message, yet doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + Z] Reverse palette Confirmed by a message, yet doesn't seem to do anything [CTRL + L] QA logger Doesn't seem to do anything [CTRL + S] Sound test [SHIFT + /] Help
Police Quest 4 (CD-ROM version)The CD-ROM version debug mode involves external scripts. Activate the debug mode by renaming/removing 4.SCR
Command Action Notes [ALT + A] Show cast (information about all objects on screen) [ALT + D] Dialog editor Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + E] Show ego information [ALT + F] Show features Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + I] Get inventory item [ALT + J] Justify text on screen Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + K] Show palette Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + O] Create obstacles Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + P] Show priority map Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + R] Show room info / free memory [ALT + S] Switch alter ego Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + T] Teleport (change room/scene/script) [ALT + U] Give HandsOn (return user control) [ALT + V] Show visual map Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + W] Feature writer Doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + X] Exit game [ALT + Y] Toggle CD rooms Confirmed by a message, yet doesn't seem to do anything [ALT + Z] Reverse palette Confirmed by a message, yet doesn't seem to do anything [CTRL + L] QA logger Doesn't seem to do anything [CTRL + S] Sound test [SHIFT + /] Help [ALT + Left click] Instant movement [CTRL + LSHIFT + Left click] Show ego [CTRL + RSHIFT + Left click] Show room [CTRL + ALT + Left click] Show position This option is very buggy or will crash game instantly
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