Pepper's Adventures in Time Technical

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General Information





Minimum OS: MS-DOS 3.3, Windows 3.1
Minimum CPU: Intel i286 (DOS), Intel i386 SX (Win)
Minimum RAM: 640 KB
Minimum Video RAM: N/A
Graphics Modes: EGA, VGA, MCGA
Audio Hardware: PC Speaker,AdLib,Roland MT-32,Sound Blaster,Sound Blaster Pro,Pro Audio Spectrum,PS/1 Audio Card,General MIDI,Thunderboard,Disney Sound Source,Microsoft Sound SystemPC Speaker, AdLib, Roland MT-32, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Pro Audio Spectrum, PS/1 Audio Card, General MIDI, Thunderboard, Disney Sound Source, Microsoft Sound System
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Analog Joystick
Media: 5 3½" floppy diskettes


  • No Official Patch

New Installer

requires files from the original distribution media.

Debug Modes

The "magic" script is 880. Extract 880.SCR/880.HEP/880.TEX.

Besides giving you a "Where to?" dialog, it activates the following options:

Command Action
[ALT + A] Show cast (information about all objects on screen)
[ALT + B] Polygon editor (edit walking areas)
[ALT + C] Show control map
[ALT + D] Place an actor
[ALT + E] Show ego information
[ALT + F] Show feature outlines
[ALT + G] Set global variable
[ALT + H] Show global variable
[ALT + I] Get inventory item
[ALT + J] QA logger (it should "Justify text on screen", but doesn't)
[ALT + K] Show palette
[ALT + L] Set flag
[ALT + M] Clear flag
[ALT + N] Show flag
[ALT + P] Show priority map
[ALT + Q] Set detail to 1
[ALT + R] Show room info / free memory
[ALT + S] Show string or message
[ALT + T] Teleport (change room/scene/script)
[ALT + U] Give HandsOn (return user control)
[ALT + V] Show visual map
[ALT + W] Feature writer
[ALT + Y] Stuff or unstuff a clue (or some sort of "Change ego" function)
[ALT + X] Exit game
[ALT + Z] Exit game
[SHIFT + /] Help


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