<syntaxhighlight lang="sci"> /******************************************************************************
SCI Template Game VER 1.1a By Brian Provinciano ****************************************************************************** main.sc Contains the game's main instance and inventory items. ******************************************************************************/
(include "sci.sh") (include "game.sh") /******************************************************************************/ (script MAIN_SCRIPT) /******************************************************************************/ (use "controls") (use "sound") (use "syswindow") (use "cycle") (use "game") (use "inv") (use "user") (use "menubar") (use "feature") (use "obj") (use "disposeload") /******************************************************************************
* These are the global variables. You can access them from any script as long * as it "use"es this script ******************************************************************************/
gEgo // points to the ego's class gGame /* points to the game instance */ gRoom /* points to the current room instance */ gSpeed /* the game speed (delay each interpreter cycle) */ gQuitGame = FALSE /* if set to TRUE, the game will exit */ gCast /* points to the cast class (list of actors) */ gRegions /* points to the regions class (list of regions) */ gLocales /* points to the locales class (list of locales) */ gTimers /* points to the timers class (list of timers) */ gSounds /* points to the sounds class (list of sounds) */ gInv /* points to the inventory class */ gAddToPics /* points to the add to pics class */ gFeatures /* points to the add to features class */ gSFeatures /* points to the add to sfeatures class */ gRoomNumberExit /* room number exit */ gPreviousRoomNumber /* the number of the previous room */ gRoomNumber /* the number of the current room */ gDebugOnExit = FALSE /* enter debug mode on room exit */ gScore = 0 /* the game score */ gMaxScore = 0 /* the maximum game score */ gOldScore /* previous score */ gCurrentCursor /* the number of the current cursor */ gNormalCursor = 999 /* the number of the normal cursor (ie. arrow) */ gLoadingCursor = 997 /* the number of the loading cursor (ie. hand) */ gDefaultFont = 1 /* the number of the default font */ gSaveRestoreFont = 0 /* the number of the font for the save/restore dialogs*/ gDeadFont = 0 /* the number of the font for the dialog when ego dies */ gUserEvent /* points to the user's event object */ gPrintDlg /* points to the current Print() window */ gVolume /* the sound volume */ gVersion /* the version string */ gSaveDirPtr /* points to the save directory string */ gCheckAniWait /* the checkAni delay */ gSetRegions /* a flag -- see User:doit() */ gPicAngle /* the room's pic angle */ gOverlay = -1 /* whether to overlay the picture when drawing */ gDefaultPicAni /* the default pic animation */ gDefaultPalette /* the default palette to use for the pictures (0-3) */ gCastMotionCue /* if set, the cast's motionCue() is called */ gTheWindow /* points to the window class */ gWndColor /* the colour of the game's windows foreground (ie. text) */ gWndBack /* the colour of the game's windows background */
gOldPort /* the previous port */ gEgoView /* ego's current view number */ /* hh:mm:ss | gTimeHours:gTimeMinutes:gTimeSeconds */ /* the time elapsed since the game started */ gTimeSeconds /* the seconds */ gTimeMinutes /* the minutes */ gTimeHours /* the hours */ gCurrentTime /* the current time in seconds */ gTheMusic /* points to the music class */ gTheSoundFX /* points to the sound fx class */ gProgramControl /* states whether the program has control or the user */
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance public Hello World of Game
(properties) (method (init) // Set up the base window = gTheWindow theWindow = gWndColor clBLACK = gWndBack clWHITE (send gTheWindow: color(gWndColor) back(gWndBack) )
// Initialize (super:init())
/****************************** * Set your game version here * ******************************/ = gVersion "1.0" // General initialization stuff = gVolume 15 DoSound(sndVOLUME gVolume) (SL:code(statusCode)) (TheMenuBar:init()) (scoreSound: owner(self) init() ) = gTheMusic theMusic (send gTheMusic: owner(self) init() ) = gTheSoundFX theSoundFX (send gTheSoundFX: owner(self) init() ) = gEgo ego (User: alterEgo(gEgo) blocks(0) y(150) ) Load(rsFONT gDeadFont) Load(rsFONT gDefaultFont) Load(rsFONT gSaveRestoreFont) Load(rsCURSOR gNormalCursor) Load(rsCURSOR gLoadingCursor) (if(HaveMouse()) (send gGame:setCursor(gNormalCursor SET_CURSOR_VISIBLE)) )(else (send gGame:setCursor(gNormalCursor SET_CURSOR_VISIBLE 304 174)) ) /************************************************* * Initialize the inventory with it's items here * *************************************************/ (Inv: add( {Nothing} {Test Object} ) ) // Start the room (if(GameIsRestarting()) (self:newRoom(INITROOMS_SCRIPT)) )(else (self:newRoom(TITLESCREEN_SCRIPT)) ) ) (method (doit) (super:doit()) (if(gProgramControl) (User: canControl(FALSE) canInput(FALSE) ) ) (if(<> gCurrentTime (= gCurrentTime GetTime(gtTIME_OF_DAY))) (if(>= ++gTimeSeconds 60) = gTimeSeconds 0 ++ gTimeMinutes (if(>= gTimeMinutes 60) = gTimeMinutes 0 ++ gTimeHours ) ) ) (if(> gOldScore gScore) = gOldScore gScore (SL:doit()) ) (if(< gOldScore gScore) = gOldScore gScore (SL:doit()) ) ) (method (replay) (TheMenuBar:draw()) (SL:enable()) (if(DoSound(sndSET_SOUND)) SetMenu(MENU_TOGGLESOUND #text "Turn Off") )(else SetMenu(MENU_TOGGLESOUND #text "Turn On") ) (super:replay()) ) (method (newRoom roomNum picAni) DisposePrintDlg() Load(rsFONT gDeadFont) Load(rsFONT gDefaultFont) Load(rsFONT gSaveRestoreFont)
Load(rsCURSOR gNormalCursor) Load(rsCURSOR gLoadingCursor) (super:newRoom(roomNum)) (if(< paramTotal 2) = gDefaultPicAni Random(0 5) )(else = gDefaultPicAni picAni ) ) (method (startRoom roomNum) DisposeLoad( NULL FILEIO_SCRIPT JUMP_SCRIPT EXTRA_SCRIPT WINDOW_SCRIPT TIMER_SCRIPT FOLLOW_SCRIPT REV_SCRIPT DCICON_SCRIPT DOOR_SCRIPT AUTODOOR_SCRIPT WANDER_SCRIPT AVOID_SCRIPT ) DisposeScript(DISPOSELOAD_SCRIPT) (if(gDebugOnExit) = gDebugOnExit FALSE SetDebug() ) (send gTheSoundFX: stop() number(1) ) (super:startRoom(roomNum)) (if(== gTheSoundFX 11) (send gEgo:baseSetter(NormalBase)) ) ) (method (changeScore addScore) = gScore + gScore addScore (if(> addScore 0) (scoreSound:playMaybe()) ) ) (method (handleEvent pEvent)
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ** This is debug functionality // // ** Comment it out if you don't want people to cheat in your game // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (if (== evKEYBOARD (send pEvent:type)) // Check for ALT keys (switch (send pEvent:message) (case $2f00 // alt-v Show(1) // Show visual ) (case $2e00 // alt-c Show(4) // Show control ) (case $1900 // alt-p Show(2) // Show priority ) (case $3200 // alt-m // Show memory usage ShowFree() FormatPrint( "Free Heap: %u Bytes\nLargest ptr: %u Bytes\nFreeHunk: %u KBytes\nLargest hunk: %u Bytes" MemoryInfo(miFREEHEAP) MemoryInfo(miLARGESTPTR) (>> MemoryInfo(miFREEHUNK) 6) MemoryInfo(miLARGESTHUNK) ) ) (case $1400 // alt-t // teleport to room (send gRoom:newRoom(GetNumber("Which Room Number?"))) ) (case $1700 // alt-i // get inventory (send gEgo:get(GetNumber("Which inventory#?"))) ) (case $1f00 // alt-s // Show cast (send gCast:eachElementDo(#showSelf)) ) ) ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of debug functionality // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
(super:handleEvent(pEvent)) (if((<> (send pEvent:type) evSAID) or (send pEvent:claimed)) return(TRUE) )
/***********************************/ /* Add global said statements here */ /***********************************/ (if(Said('hi')) Print("Well hello to you too!") ) return(FALSE) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (class Iitem of InvI
(properties said 0 description 0 owner 0 view 0 loop 0 cel 0 script 0 )
(method (showSelf)
Print( description #title objectName #icon view loop cel // Changed from: #icon view 0 0 ) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance statusCode of Code
(properties) (method (doit param1) Format(param1 " Score: %d of %-3d Template Game " gScore gMaxScore) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance ego of Ego
(properties y 1111 x 0 z 0 heading 0 yStep 2 view 0 loop 0 cel 0 priority 0 underBits 0 signal $2000 nsTop 0 nsLeft 0 nsBottom 0 nsRight 0 lsTop 0 lsLeft 0 lsBottom 0 lsRight 0 brTop 0 brLeft 0 brBottom 0 brRight 0 cycleSpeed 0 script 0 cycler 0 timer 0 illegalBits $8000 xLast 0 yLast 0 xStep 3 moveSpeed 0 blocks 0 baseSetter 0 mover 0 looper 0 viewer 0 avoider 0 edgeHit 0 )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance scoreSound of Sound
(properties state 0 number SCORE_SOUND priority 10 loop 1 handle 0 signal 0 prevSignal 0 client 0 owner 0 )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance theMusic of Sound
(properties state 0 number 1 priority 0 loop 1 handle 0 signal 0 prevSignal 0 client 0 owner 0 )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance theSoundFX of Sound
(properties state 0 number 1 priority 5 loop 1 handle 0 signal 0 prevSignal 0 client 0 owner 0 )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance theWindow of SysWindow
(properties) (method (open) (if(< Graph(grGET_COLOURS) 9) (if( (< color 7) or (== color 8) ) = color 0 = back 15 )(else = color 15 = back 0 ) ) (super:open()) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance NormalBase of Code
(properties) (method (doit) (var temp0) (if(== gRoomNumberExit 253) = temp0 22 )(else = temp0 10 ) (send gEgo: brBottom( (+ (send gEgo:y) 1) ) ) (send gEgo: brTop( (- (send gEgo:brBottom) (send gEgo:yStep)) ) ) (send gEgo: brLeft( (- (send gEgo:x) temp0) ) ) (send gEgo: brRight( (+ (send gEgo:x) temp0) ) ) )
* THE PUBLIC PROCEDURES ******************************************************************************/
(procedure public (SetUpEgo theLoop theView)
PlayerControl() (send gEgo:edgeHit(EDGE_NONE)) (switch(paramTotal) (case 0 SetUpActor(gEgo (send gEgo:loop) gEgoView) ) (case 1 SetUpActor(gEgo theLoop gEgoView) ) (case 2 SetUpActor(gEgo theLoop theView) ) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (SetUpActor pActor theLoop theView)
(if(> paramTotal 1) (send pActor:loop(theLoop)) ) (if(> paramTotal 2) (send pActor:view(theView)) ) (send pActor: setLoop(-1) setPri(-1) setStep(3 2) setCycle(Walk) illegalBits($8000) cycleSpeed(0) moveSpeed(0) ignoreActors(0) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (ProgramControl)
(User: canControl(FALSE) canInput(FALSE) ) (send gEgo:setMotion(NULL)) = gProgramControl TRUE
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PlayerControl)
(User: canControl(TRUE) canInput(TRUE) ) (send gEgo:setMotion(NULL)) = gProgramControl FALSE
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (DisposePrintDlg)
(if(gPrintDlg) (send gPrintDlg:dispose()) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintOK)
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintItIs)
Print("It is.")
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintYouAre)
Print("You are.")
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintGoodIdea)
Print("Good idea. You might try that again later.")
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintNotCloseEnough)
Print("You're not close enough.")
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintAlreadyTookIt)
Print("You already took it.")
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintDontHaveIt)
Print("You don't have it.")
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (PrintCantDoThat mem)
(if(> MemoryInfo(miLARGESTPTR) mem) return(TRUE) )(else Print("You can't do that here; at least, not now.") return(FALSE) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (AddViewToPic pView)
(var hView) (if(pView) = hView (View:new()) (send hView: view(send pView:view) loop(send pView:loop) cel(send pView:cel) priority(send pView:priority) posn( (send pView:x) (send pView:y) ) addToPic() ) (send pView: posn( (send pView:x) (+ 1000 (send pView:y)) ) ) )
) /******************************************************************************/ (procedure public (SetInvIOwner index owner)
(var hInvI) = hInvI (send gInv:at(index)) (if(< paramTotal 2) (send hInvI:owner(gRoomNumberExit)) )(else (send hInvI:owner(owner)) )
* THE INVENTORY ITEMS * ******************************************************************************/
(instance Nothing of Iitem
) /******************************************************************************/ (instance {Test Object} of Iitem
(properties said 'object' description "This is a test object in your inventory." owner 0 view 800 loop 0 cel 0 script 0 )
) /******************************************************************************/
Sierra After-market
Longbow | AWESOL | GENMIDI | |||||||
Dr. Brain 2 | GUSDRV | ||||||||
EcoQuest 1 | AWESOL | GENMIDI | GUSDRV | ||||||
EcoQuest 1 CD | SB16DRV | ||||||||
EcoQuest 2 | GUSDRV | ||||||||
Freddy Pharkas | GUSDRV | ||||||||
Gabriel Knight 1 | AWESOL | DACBLAST | GUS32 | SBSCI32 | |||||
Gabriel Knight 1 CD | AWESOL | GENMIDI | GUS32 | SBSCI32 | |||||
Hoyle 3 | 486SBDRV | AWESOL | E29PATCH | GENMIDI | |||||
Hoyle 4 | GUSDRV | ||||||||
KQ6" | GUSDRV | ||||||||
KQ6CD | GUSDRV | SB16DRV | |||||||
LB2CD | GUSDRV | SB16DRV | |||||||
Mixed-Up Fairy Tales | AWESOL | GENMIDI | |||||||
Pepper | GUSDRV | ||||||||
PQ1VGA | GUSDRV | ||||||||
PQ3 | 486SBDRV | E29PATCH | |||||||
PQ4 | AWESOL | DACBLAST | GUS32 | SBSCI32 | |||||
PQ4 CD | AWESOL | ||||||||
QfG1VGA | SB16DRV | ||||||||
QfG4 | AWESOL | DACBLAST | GUS32 | SBSCI32 | |||||
QfG4CD | AWESOL | GENMIDI | |||||||
Slater & Charlie | GUSDRV | ||||||||
SQ4 | AWESOL | GENMIDI | |||||||
SQ4CD | SB16DRV | ||||||||
Ravi's Drivers
Hacked Drivers
* no digital sound effects, but stereo music
Game Specific Hacked Drivers
- Freddy Pharkas - FreddyPharkas(GENMID).zip
- Gabriel Knight 1 - GabrielKnight(GENMID).zip
- Jones in the Fast Lane CD - JonesInTheFastLaneCD-ROM(AUDCDROM).zip
- King's Quest I SCI - KingsQuestISCI(MTBLAST).zip
- King's Quest VI - KingsQuestVI(GENMID).zip
- King's Quest VII - KingsQuestVII(GENMID,speech).zip
- Leisure Suit Larry 6 - LeisureSuitLarry6(GENMID).zip
- Pepper's Adventures in Time - PeppersAdventuresInTime(GENMID).zip
- Police Quest IV - PoliceQuestIV(GENMID,adpcm).zip
- Quest for Glory II - QuestForGloryII(MTBLAST).zip
- Quest for Glory III - QuestForGloryIII(GENMID).zip
- Quest for Glory IV - QuestForGloryIV(GENMID).zip
- Slater & Charlie Go Camping - Slater&CharlieGoCamping(GENMID).zip
- Space Quest III - SpaceQuestIII(MTBLAST).zip
- Space Quest IV CD - SpaceQuest IVCD(introSubtitles).zip
- Space Quest V - SpaceQuestV(GENMID).zip