Fan AGI Release List
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Fan AGI Release List
Since its release, AGI Studio has spawned dozens of fan made games and demos. Here is a list of many released.
You can download all of the listed games listed below in a single zipped file here [24.3 MB] or individually on each game's page.
Fan AGI Release List (Sortable)
- Abrah, l'orphelin de l'espace (french)
- Acidopolis Demo
- Adventures of a Crazed Hermit Demo, The
- Adventures of Elfintard Demo, The
- Agent 0055
- Agent 06 vs. The Super Nazi
- Agent Quest
- AGI256 Demo
- AGI Combat
- AGI Hangman Test
- AGI Mouse Demo
- AGI Piano
- AGI Quest I: The Computer Game
- AGI Tetris by Chad Goulding
- Peter Kelly's AGI Tetris
- AGI Trek Demo
- Al Pond: On Holiday
- Al Pond 1: Al Lives Forever
- Apocalyptic Quest Demo
- Band Quest Demo
- Beyond the Titanic 2
- Biru Quest
- Bob the Farmboy
- Boring Man: The Road to Robinland
- Boring Man 2: Ho Man! This Game Sucks!
- Botz
- Brian's Quest
- Caitlyn's Destiny
- Caitlyn's Destiny Demo
- Car Driver
- Coco Coq: La Base de Grostesteing (french)
- Coco Coq: In Grostesteing's Base
- Corby's Murder Mystery
- CPU-21
- Dashiki
- Date Quest
- Date Quest 2 Demo
- Dave's Quest Demo
- DG: The Adventure Game
- DG: The AGIMouse Adventure
- Disco Nights Demo
- Dogs Quest
- Dr. Jummybummy's Space Adventure
- Ed Ward, Live Another Day
- Enclosure
- Escape from the Desert
- Escape from the Salesman
- Escape Quest Demo
- Fuck Quest - Warning - explicit material.
- Fuck Quest 2 Demo - Warning - explicit material.
- Fuck Quest 2: Romancing the Bone - Warning - explicit material.
- Gennadi Tahab Autot: Mission Pack 1 - Kuressaare
- Get Outta Space Quest
- Goodman Demo
- Gourd of the Beans, The (Demo) (AGI Hobbits)
- The Gourd of the Beans: An Unplanned Adventure (AGI Hobbits : Complete)
- Go West, Young Hippie Demo
- Grateful Dead Demo, The
- Groza (Russian)
- Half-Death: Terror at White-Mesa
- Hank's Quest: Slachtoffer van het Gebeuren (Dutch)
- Hank's Quest: Victim of Society
- Herbao Demo
- Hero's Adventure
- Hitler's Legacy Demo
- Jack and Julia: VAMPYR Demo
- Jeff's Quest Demo
- Jen's Quest Demo
- Jiggy Jiggy Uh! Uh!
- Jimmy in the Alien Attack
- Joe McMuffin in "What's Cooking, Doc?"
- Jolimie le Village Maudit (French)
- Jõulumaa Demo (Estonian)
- Journey of Chef, The
- Jukebox
- Justin Quest Demo
- Lasse Holm: The Quest for Revenge
- Lawman for Hire Demo
- Lefty Goes on Vacation (Not in The Right Place)
- Legend of Shay-Larah: The Lost Prince Demo
- The Legend of Zelda: The Fungus of Time Demo
- The Legendary Harry Soupsmith Demo
- Les Inséparables (French)
- Little Pirate Demo
- The Long Haired Dude: Encounter Of the 18th Kind
- Lost Eternity
- The Lost Planet Demo
- Napalm Quest
- Naturette
- Naturette II: Daughter of the Moon
- Naturette III: Adventure in Treeworld
- Naturette IV: From a Planet to Another Planet
- Naturette IV: From a Planet to Another Planet Demo
- New Adventures of Roger Wilco, The
- Nick's Quest in Pursuit of Quake Movie Demo
- Patrick's Quest Demo
- Peter Kelly's AGI Tetris
- Phantasmagoria (AGI Fan Game) Demo
- Pharaoh Quest Demo
- Phil's Quest: The Search for Tolbaga Demo
- Pimp Quest
- Pinkun Maze Quest
- Pirate Quest (A.K.A. Quest for Piracy)
- Platform Demo
- Polyvalente des Neiges
- Pothead
- President's Quest
- Professor is Missing, The (Professor le Professeura Disparu)
- Quest for a Record Deal
- Quest for Glory IV: Hero's Adventure - see Hero's Adventure
- Quest for Home
- Quest for Ladies Demo
- Quest for Piracy: Enter the Silver Pirate
- Ralph's Quest Demo
- Residence 44 Quest - A.K.A. Huize 44 Queeste (Dutch)
- Renegade
- The Ruby Cast Demo
- Save Santa
- Schiller Demo
- Serguei's Destiny
- Serguei's Destiny 2 Demo
- Shadow Plan Demo, The
- Shifty Demo
- Sliding Tile Game
- Snowboarding Demo
- Solar System Tour
- Sorceror's Appraisal
- Space Quest: The Lost Chapter
- Space Quest 0: Replicated
- Space Trek
- Special Delivery
- Speeder Bike Challenge
- Spell Swords
- Star Commander: The Escape
- Star Pilot: Bigger Fish
- Street Quest Demo
- Tales of Boromir, The
- Tales of the Tiki
- Tex McPhilip 1 - Quest for the Papacy
- Tex McPhilip 2 - Road to Divinity
- Tex McPhilip 3 - A Destiny of Sin Demo
- Time Quest Demo
- Toby's World Demo
- Tonight the Shrieking Corpses Bleed
- Tonight the Shrieking Corpses Bleed Demo
- Tree Walker
- Turks' Quest: Heir to the Planet