Castle of Dr. Brain Technical

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General Information





width="200" | Minimum OS:
Minimum CPU: Intel 8088 / 8086
Minimum RAM: 640 KB
Minimum Video RAM: N/A
Graphics Modes: Tandy / PCjr, EGA, VGA, MCGA
Audio Hardware: PC Speaker,Tandy/PCjr Sound,Tandy with DAC,AdLib,Roland MT-32,Game Blaster (CMS),Sound Blaster,Pro Audio Spectrum,PS/1 Audio Card,Disney Sound SourcePC Speaker, Tandy/PCjr Sound, Tandy with DAC, AdLib, Roland MT-32, Game Blaster (CMS), Sound Blaster, Pro Audio Spectrum, PS/1 Audio Card, Disney Sound Source
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Analog Joystick
Media: 1 CD discs


Minimum OS: System 6.0.7
Minimum CPU:
Minimum RAM: 2 MB
Graphics Modes: 256 Colors Required
Audio Hardware: Roland MT-32 (and LAPC-I)
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse
Media: 3.5" floppy diskettes


Minimum OS: Kickstart 1.2
Minimum CPU:
Minimum RAM: 1 MB
Graphics Modes: OCS/ECS
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick
Media: 4 3.5" floppy diskettes

Exploring Game Resources

Resources Used

  • *.V56 — 256 color VIEW resources; sprite graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.P56 — 256 color Picture resources; background graphics. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.SCR — Script resources; static logic data. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.TEX — Text Resources.[1] Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.SND — Sound resources; MIDI music and some sound effects. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.VOC — Vocab (not used).[2] Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.FON — Font resources; graphics to display text. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.CUR — Cursor resources; mouse cursors (deprecated in favor of v56-based cursors). Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.PAT — Patch resources; audio patch files. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.
  • *.PAL — Palette Resource; 256 color palette files. Location: RESOURCE.00*, patchDir.

Resource Tools


1991 - Updated AUDBLAST.DRV; corrects some problems that can occur on faster systems.

This driver will correct some problems that can occur on faster systems when running the Castle of Dr. Brain.

New Installer

Works with CD, 3.5", 5.25" EGA and VGA versions. If installing the CD version, it will install the entire CD game to the hard drive for CD-less play. If installing the floppy version, just copy the files from your floppy disks into a temporary folder on your hard drive and run this installer from that folder.

Debug Modes

The "magic" script was 0. The debug handler is still present in the game files, but needs to be passed keyboard events from 0.scr, which was removed for shipping, along with removal of the debug build of the interpreter. The attached contains the debug handler script. Just extract and drop into the base directory of the game and start the game in DOSBox for full debug options.

Credit for fixing the debug handler script goes to doomlazer[3] of the SCIprogramming community.

Command Action Notes
[ALT + A] Show cast Information about all objects on screen
[ALT + B] Polygon editor Unavailable
[ALT + C] Show control screen
[ALT + D] DebugOn toggle internal debugger on room change. Works, but crashes on room change since the interpreter debugger is unavailable
[ALT + F] Show free memory
[ALT + G] Set Global
[ALT + I] Get inventory item Allow selection of inventory item from list
[ALT + P] Show Priority screen
[ALT + R] Show Room info
[ALT + T] Teleport Change room/scene/script
[ALT + W] Write Feature
[ALT + Y] Adjust vanishing point
[ALT + Z] Exit game

Note: Invoking interpreter debugger will crash the game on room change since the interpreter debugger is missing.


  1. Texts deprecated in favor of messages
  2. Type 0x85 resources are 'memory' resources, which are only used internally.

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