King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder Development

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Game Design Document

Concept Art

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Developer Notes

Roberta wrote all of < Cedric's > dialog. One of my regrets, as I had just started work there and didn't know how collaborative Sierra was yet, is that I didn't suggest any changes to any of Cedric's lines. For some of my other voices, I made a few suggestions which were almost always accepted. I felt the designer/writer had been living that character, possibly for more than a year, and knew that character better than I ever would, so I suppressed most of my suggested line changes. It tended to vary based on how well I knew the designer. Since I'd known Corey and Lori Cole for years, I was freest with them. I'm sure they regret most of the puns I wrote for QFG 1 VGA.

The late great Garry Owens improved many of his lines as Roger Wilco, doing it as written first and then suggesting something he thought better, but he was a comedy genius. I am merely pretty funny, and not just funny looking. Read "Eric and the Gazebo" for my best known work of humor.


< I would have > Made him a little older so I didn't have to use falsetto. My falsetto never recovered, and you can tell when I recorded a line by how high it was. Three weeks of recording owl lines in falsetto can do that to a voice.

I normally sing bass, and before Cedric had almost a three octave range.


Cedric is a character created by Roberta Williams. I was a newly hired lead programmer with a lot of improv and live theater experience. Roberta asked me to read Cedric, as nobody else in Oakhurst or Fresno satisfied her. I tried declining as Narnia had just come out on the BBC with all of their Radiophonic Lab's special effects on the talking owls, and I knew I could not compete, but Roberta persuaded me. That was three weeks four hours a day (I insisted on limitations to protect my deep bass voice, but my falsetto has never been the same). But it's a great character and I had more fun and clearer sense of my character working with Roberta than with any of the other voice work I've done. If they had to go to Hollywood to hire professionals at scale, it would have cost more than all the other part of the CD-Rom KQ5 version combined, IIRC. But I'm old and may be misremembering. If I had been as foresighted as Ken, I'd have realized I could make a real name for myself as Sierra's Mel Blanc, but I mostly didn't read for parts unless specifically asked as I felt I had my acting fame (such as it was) and should let others have their chance. Cedric was hugely popular with children, which was Roberta's goal, to let kids have a character they loved while they or older family members were playing the game.

Game Transcript


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