King's Quest 6 Inventory Items
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A list of inventory items in King's Quest 6
Inv # - | Item (Script Name) |
0 - | Magic Map (map) |
1 - | Boring Book (boringBook) |
2 - | Brick (brick) |
3 - | Brush (brush) |
4 - | Beauty's Strand of Hair (hair) |
5 - | Beauty's Old Clothes (clothes) |
6 - | Lump of Coal (coal) |
7 - | Dead Man's Coin (deadMansCoin) |
8 - | Lady Celeste's Dagger (dagger) |
9 - | Coin (coin) |
10 - | Egg (egg) |
11 - | Skull (skull) |
12 - | Black Feather (feather) |
13 - | Stinky Flower (flower) |
14 - | Flute (flute) |
15 - | Gauntlet (gauntlet) |
16 - | Strand of Cassima's Hair (cassimaHair) |
17 - | Mother Ghost's Handkerchief (handkerchief) |
18 - | Hole in the Wall (holeInTheWall) |
19 - | Hunter's Lamp (huntersLamp) |
20 - | Vizier Alhazred's Letter (letter) |
21 - | Iceberg Lettuce (lettuce) |
22 - | Milk (milk) |
23 - | Mint (mint) |
24 - | Beast's Mirror (mirror) |
25 - | New Lamp (newLamp) |
26 - | Iron Nail (nail) |
27 - | Mechanical Nightingale (nightingale) |
28 - | Ghostly Ticket (ticket) |
29 - | Dangling Participle (participle) |
30 - | Pearl (pearl) |
31 - | Peppermint Leaves (peppermint) |
32 - | Cassima's Messagee (note) |
33 - | "Drink Me" Potion (potion) |
34 - | Rabbit Foot (rabbitFoot) |
35 - | A Lady's Hair Ribbon (ribbon) |
36 - | Riddle Book (riddleBook) |
37 - | Beast's Ring (ring) |
38 - | White Rose (rose) |
39 - | Royal Ring (royalRing) |
40 - | Sacred Water (sacredWater) |
41 - | Red Scarf (scarf) |
42 - | Scythe (scythe) |
43 - | Wooden Shield (shield) |
44 - | Skeleton Key (skeletonKey) |
45 - | Spell Book (spellBook) |
46 - | Tea Cup (teaCup) |
47 - | Love Poem (poem) |
48 - | Tinderbox (tinderBox) |
49 - | Rotten Tomato (tomato) |
50 - | Sentence (sentence) |
51 - | Ink Bottle (ink) |
52 - | invLook cursor: cInvLook (invLook cursor: cInvLook) |
53 - | invHand cursor: cInvHand (invHand cursor: cInvHand) |
54 - | invSelect cursor: normalCursor (invSelect cursor: normalCursor) |
55 - | invTalk cursor: cInvTalk (invTalk cursor: cInvTalk) |