Uploading and File Standards

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Uploading Files

Uploading of files, including images is limited to Trusted Users. If you are not part of this user group you may request being added from Collector. Once granted the permissions of a Trusted User you will be able to add images, PDFs, audio and video files to your pages.

To upload a file, while creating a page or editing it click the 'image' button in the editor's toolbar.

This will add the wiki code at the current cursor position. You can also manually add it with [[File:MyFile.zip]]. It is best to not include spaces or non-alphanumeric characters that might create difficulties. Note that the file names are case sensitive.

Images can be added the same way, but have additional properties that can be added, such as setting a size to display a thumbnail of the image. See the images quick reference for more details.

Permitted File Types

Image Types

  • .PNG
  • .GIF

The use of .JPEG or .JPG is discouraged because of its lossy compression adds unacceptable artifacting" to the image. This defect only gets worse each after saving the image after editing it. Each save recompresses the image, adding new artifacting to the existing. Please use .PNG instead. PNG also supports an alpha channel for a transparency color.

GIFs are fine for small embedded images for page graphic such as icons and bullets.

Nearly all modern image editors support these formats.

Media Types

  • .OGG
  • .OGV

OGG is free, open source and royalty free standard from the Xiph.Org Foundation and can be used to embed audio files on MediaWiki pages. Theora (file extension OGV), also from from the Xiph.Org Foundation, is is a free lossy video compression format. Both of these types are supported by most audio and video editors/utilites.

See the Embedding Audio and Video guide for help with adding these media files to your page.

Archive Types

  • .7Z
  • .ZIP

Two types of compressed archives are permitted. 7zip's free and open source 7Z and PKWARE's 7Z.

Document Types

  • .PDF
  • .TXT

Scanned manuals and other documents can be made into PDFs to preserve its original formatting and appearance. Plain ASCII (.TXT) files are permitted, but are of little use as their contents can be added directly to your pages.

Image Standards

Screenshots should be at least 640x480 (Aspect Corrected) with no anti-aliasing or other rendering filters. Images should appear as close to the original as possible. Screenshots from paletted (no greater than 8-bit) games can be PNG or GIF, but high color (16-bit) or true color (at least 24-bit) games need to be PNGs. If a game's native resolution is greater than 640x480, please do not downsize the images.

All scans should be at least 300 DPI resolution. Cover art should be at least 600px wide. 5¼" diskettes, CD jewel case labels and CD discs should be at least 500px tall. 3½" diskettes should be at least 300px wide. Manual covers, registration card and other documents can be their original size.

If no available image meets these standards a temporary image may be used. Just be sure to mark it as a temporary image to be replaced by adding {{ReplaceImg}} to the uploaded image's file Summary field.

See the Images guide for help with adding images to your page.

Audio File Standards

Audio files must be OGG format to work properly in the Wiki.

If an audio file of high enough quality is not available, a temporary audio file may be used. Just be sure to flag the substandard file for replacement by adding {{ReplaceAud}} to the uploaded file's file Summary field.

(more details to be done)

Video File Standards

Audio files must be OGV format to work properly in the Wiki.

If an audio file of high enough quality is not available, a temporary audio file may be used. Just be sure to flag the substandard file for replacement by adding {{ReplaceVid}} to the uploaded file's file Summary field.

(more details to be done)

Also See