Rick Cavin

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Rick Cavin


Rick Cavin was Sierra's director of operations.

But it’s also a reference to the evil side of what Sierra was becoming at the time, which is evidenced by the cubicles and catwalk scene in Space Quest 3 showing Ken Williams and his then henchman (Rick Cavin). They’re both shown walking along the catwalks cracking whips on the people in the extremely tiny cubicles below. When he’d bring people through for the ‘dog and pony shows’ (as I like to call them), Cavin would insist that I show them the ‘catwalk and cubicles’ scene, because he thought it was so cool that he was in the game. If you see yourself in that role and are proud of the depiction, well, enough said really.

Home Page

Contributions by Rick Cavin

Title Year Credits
Mickey's Space Adventure 1985 Thanks / Staff


See Also