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Developers' README document embedded in the resource barn (*.BRN) files from Gabriel Knight 3[1].

    Resources Readme

GK3 is a data-driven game, meaning that very little of it is hard coded,
requiring changes to the EXE. The majority of its scenes are completely run
by scripts and configuration files. For the player, this means that much of
GK3 can be customized or even rewritten... Interested?

We never exactly planned to officially release any of this stuff to the
public, given time, money, and sanity constraints. So most the docs you are
about to read are in many cases unfinished, out of date, outright lies, or
perhaps written by somebody's fourth grade son. So experiment at will! GK3 is
not going to reformat your hard drive or give your dog the flu. The worst that
will happen is the game will lock up. No big deal, happens to us in development
all the time. :)

Given that you can read this file, you've already figured out the Extract()
command. Use this command to find these other key GK3 documents:

  ClothesAnm.doc              DataUsage.doc
  Footstep.doc                GAS.doc
  GK3 Fonts.doc               NVC.doc
  Official Eggs.doc           Persistence.doc
  Registry Spec.txt           Sheep Engine.doc
  SIF.doc                     Sound Track Files.doc

The .brn files that you see on the CD's and installed on your hard drive are
"barn" files - spindled and mutilated resources packed into large volumes for
efficiency. There are over 27000 resources as of this writing, which you'll
find in gk3.log (created during your Extract("","") call). You can extract
those files out and modify them if you like. Or you can add your own. To get
GK3 to use them, you must tell it where they are, and that they are of higher
priority than the barn resources so they will override. To do this, add a
"Custom Paths" entry to your INI file or registry. See the "Registry Spec.txt"
file to find out how to do this.


Scott Bilas
GK3 Technical Lead



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