Ali's Bookshop

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Ali's Bookshop
Ali's Bookshop[1]
Developer(s): Sierra
Designer(s): Roberta Williams, Jane Jensen
Game(s): King's Quest 6


Ali's Bookshop  

Ali's Bookshop is a setting in King's Quest 6.


Two shops immediately caught (Alexander's) attention: one a curio and pawnshop, the other, a bookshop. Unlike the other business concerns in the Village of the Crown, these two seemed to be opened. After a moment's deliberation, Alexander headed up the steps to the bookshop.

The bookshop was not frequented this late in the day. Slanting afternoon sunlight illuminated a low cozy room whose walls were entirely lined with books. In the center of the room a table and chair were placed so purchasers might inspect their wares before deciding to buy. A fireplace burned in one corner to keep the damp of the sea air from ruining the books.[2]



Alexander Meets Jollo
Alexander Talks to Ali the Bookseller


  1. Extracted from the game's 240.P56 Picture resource
  2. From The King's Quest Companion Third Edition, pg. 245

Also See