Using Tables
With the limitations of the Wiki software, sometimes it may be necessary to fall back on the use of tables to arrange content on the page in the desired location where normally this would be handled by the use of CSS. However, please try to avoid the use of tables where possible. Try to reserve their use for tabular data.
Wiki Table Tags
Wiki tags for tables are as follows:
Table: {|
Row: |-
Header Cell: !
Cell: |
Table closing tag: |}
No closing tag for table rows or cells are needed. Be sure to add the closing table tag at the end of your table. Normal attributes can be added, such as width, borders, positioning, cellpadding and cell spacing.
{| width="800"
will create a table that is 800px wide. Cells in the same table row can be combined on the same line if separated by a double pipe "||"
| Cell1 || Cell2 || Cell3
Table and Cell Attributes
Multiple attributes can be used by separating them with a space:
{| cellpadding="10"
When adding attributes to cells, separate attribute from the data with a single pipe, "|".
| align="center" | Cell Data
Table Borders and Styles
For tables with borders, start your table with {| class="wikitable". This will automatically add borders and keep consistency in style through out the Wiki.
{| class="wikitable" width="400" |- !Column1 !! Column2 !! Column3 |- | align="center" | Cell1 || align="center" | Cell2 || align="center" | Cell3 |- | align="center" | Cell4 || align="center" | Cell5 || align="center" | Cell6 |}
Will create a table 400px wide, 3 columns by 3 rows with a border of 1.
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 |
Cell1 | Cell2 | Cell3 |
Cell4 | Cell5 | Cell6 |
Sortable Tables
Tables can be made sortable by adding the "sortable" class to the opening table tag {| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="400" |- !Column1 !! Column2 !! Column3 !! Column4 |- | align="center" | Cell1 || align="center" | Cell2 || align="center" | Cell3 || align="center" | Cell4 |- | align="center" | Cell5 || align="center" | Cell6 || align="center" | Cell7 || align="center" | Cell8 |- | align="center" | Cell9 || align="center" | Cell10 || align="center" | Cell11 || align="center" | Cell12 |}
Will produce:
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4 |
Cell1 | Cell2 | Cell3 | Cell4 |
Cell5 | Cell6 | Cell7 | Cell8 |
Cell9 | Cell10 | Cell11 | Cell12 |
For more help with tables, see MediaWiki's Help with tables.