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| | [[Category:SCI Pages]] |
| | <div align="center" style="font-size: 22pt"></div><br /><div align="center">Version <br />''Author: ''<br /></div> |
| |
| * [[:File:LSL7-01 - For Your Thighs Only (The Larry Theme).flac]]
| | ===Prepositions (and Unclassified words)=== |
| * [[File:LSL7-01 - For Your Thighs Only (The Larry Theme).ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraCoolPoolIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraLionelTrainTownDeluxeIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3-DUltraLionelTrainTownDeluxeTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraLionelTraintownIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraMinigolfIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraPinball2Menu.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraPinball3Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraPinball4NASCAR-Menu.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraPinball5OpeningTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraRCRacersIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:3DUltraRCRacersTraxxasEdition-GameMenu.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:A102-Jungle Sasa.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:A10-Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:A10v15-OpeningTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:AlPond2Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:AotD-AdLib-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:AotD-GM-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:AotD-MT-32-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:AotP-02-TitleTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BaK-IntroCDA.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BaK-IntroGM.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BaK-IntroMT32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BaK-IntroSB.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BetrayedAlliance1.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BlackCauldronAmiga-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BlackCauldronAmiga-OpeningSequence.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BlackCauldronAppleIIgs-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BlackCauldronAppleIIgs-OpeningSequence.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BlackCauldronTandy-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:BlackCauldronTandy-OpeningSequence.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Brain2-04-Copy Protection Map.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Camelot MT-32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Camelot Munt.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:DrBrain1Demo.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:DrBrain1-Opening.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:EcoQuest2.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:EQ1-01-Introduction.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:GK1GMIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:GK1MT32Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:GK1SBIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:GK3TitleTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:HeartOfChinaIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Homeworld48 - Homeworld (The Ladder).ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:INN.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:INNOpeningTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:IslandOfSecrets-Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ1AGI.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ1Intro.ogv]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ3Tandy-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4 MT-32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4 Munt.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4AdLibIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4AGIPirate.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4AGITandyDwarvesMine.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4AGITandyIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4AmigaIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4AtariSTIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4MT32DwarvesMine.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4MT32Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4PCSpeakerIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4RosellaPlaysOrgan.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ4SCI Intro.ogg]]
| |
| |
| | Example of the preposition 'in', which is classified in the vocab as a preposition (in the template game): |
| | <div class="CodeBlockHeader">Code:</div> |
| | <syntaxhighlight lang="sci"> // Responds to user input of: 'put key in lock' |
| | (if(Said('put<in/key/lock')) |
| | Print("You put the key in the lock") |
| | )</syntaxhighlight> |
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-00_-_Sierra_Logo.ogg]]
| | Example of the preposition 'with', but has an unclassified word class in the template game: |
| * [[File:KQ5-01_-_KQ_Logo.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-02_-_Grahams_Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-03_-_Opening_Cut_Scene_Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-04_-_Main_Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-06_-_Weeping_Willows_Song.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-07_-_King_Antonys_March_of_the_Ants.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-08_-_End_Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-AdLibIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-MT32-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ5-PCSpeaker-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| |
| | <div class="CodeBlockHeader">Code:</div> |
| | <syntaxhighlight lang="sci"> // Responds to user input of: 'open door with key' |
| | (if(Said('open/door/key<with')) |
| | Print("You open the door with the key") |
| | )</syntaxhighlight> |
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-01 - Opening Movie & Introduction.ogg]]
| | Don't despair with this discrepancy. By setting 'with' to a preposition it will behave just like the 'in' preposition example. |
| * [[File:KQ6-02 - Seagull Theme.ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-03 - The Village (The Beach).ogg]]
| | ==<br /> References == |
| * [[File:KQ6-04 - The Castle.ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-05 - Lord Abdul Alhazred.ogg]]
| | <references /> |
| * [[File:KQ6-06 - Beauty's Theme.ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-07 - The Boy in the Water.ogg]]
| | ==<br /> Also See == |
| * [[File:KQ6-08 - The Ferryman.ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-09 - Jollo.ogg]]
| | * |
| * [[File:KQ6-10 - Shamir (The Man in Black).ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-11 - Song of the Nightingale.ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-12 - The Oyster.ogg]]
| | |
| * [[File:KQ6-13 - Sense Gnomes.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Technical Info]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-14 - Bookworm.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Guides & Other Help]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-15 - Black Widow.ogg]]
| | [[Category:References]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-16 - Dangling Participle.ogg]]
| | [[Category:SCI References]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-17 - The Garden.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Development]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-18 - Chessboard Land.ogg]]
| | [[Category:SCI Development]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-19 - The Gardener.ogg]]
| | [[Category:How To]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-20 - Message to Cassima.ogg]]
| | [[Category:SCI How To]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-21 - Wall Flowers.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Examples]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-22 - Old Woman.ogg]]
| | [[Category:SCI Examples]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-23 - The Mint Cave.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Scripting]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-24 - City of the Winged Ones.ogg]]
| | [[Category:SCI Scripting]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-25 - The Catacombs.ogg]]
| | [[Category:User Input]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-26 - A Trap!.ogg]]
| | [[Category:User Input (SCI)]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-27 - The Minitaur.ogg]]
| | [[Category:The SCI Parser]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-28 - Lady Celeste.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Said() Strings]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-29 - The Oracle.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Prepositions]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-30 - Isle of Mists.ogg]]
| | [[Category:Prepositions (SCI)]] |
| * [[File:KQ6-31 - Beauty and the Beast.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-32 - Alexander's Suicide.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-33 - The Druids (& the Rain Spell).ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-34 - The Arch Druid.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-35 - Nightmare.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-36 - Journey to the Realm of the Dead.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-37 - The Realm of the Dead.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-38 - Underworld Entrance.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-39 - Dance of the Bones.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-40 - The River Styx.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-41 - Death Waits for No Man.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-42 - Lord of the Dead.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-43 - Castle Dungeon.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-44 - Dungeon Cell.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-45 - Secret Passage.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-46 - Princess Cassima.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-47 - Wedding Music.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-48 - The Guards.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-49 - Treasure Room.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-50 - Stopping the Wedding.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-51 - Lord Abdul Alhazred Defeated.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-52 - Alexander and Cassima's Wedding.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-53 - Closing Scenes.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6-54 - Girl In The Tower.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6AdLibIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6Amiga-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6BeastsGarden.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6Beauty.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6GirlInTheTower.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6GMIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6Mac-Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6MT32Intro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6Sailing.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ6TheVillage.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:KQ7BountifulWoods.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LauraBow1 MT-32.ogg]] | |
| * [[File:LauraBow1 Munt.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LauraBow1AmigaIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LauraBow1AtariSTIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LauraBow1MT32Intro.mp3]]
| |
| * [[File:LauraBow1SBIntro.mp3]]
| |
| * [[File:LetItSnow.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LighthouseIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Longbow MT-32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Longbow Munt.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LSL1Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:LSL6-01-ForYourThighsOnly.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Mixed-UpFairyTales.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:MMGDlxMainTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:MoEMainTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:PeppersAdventuresInTimeIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Phant1-01-ConsumiteFurore.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:ProphecySBIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:QfG2 MT-32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:QfG2 Munt.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:QfG4FanfareFlythroughMainThemeMT32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RiseOfTheDragonIntroAdLib.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RiseOfTheDragonIntroAmiga.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RiseOfTheDragonIntroMac.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RiseOfTheDragonIntroSB.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RiseOfTheDragonIntroSEGACD.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RiseOfTheDragonMT32.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RobertaOnTalkSpot1-3.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:RobertaOnTalkspot2-3.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SidNAlsIntro.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SierraReunion.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:Song of the Sylph.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SQ1AGI.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SQ3MainTheme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-06 - KQ5-Crispins Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-08 - Iceman-Whitney.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-09 - Iceman-Love Theme - Morning.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-10 - Iceman-FunkQ.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-11 - PQ2 - Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-12 - Camelot-Credits.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-13 - Camelot-Opening Sequence.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-14 - Camelot-Glastonbury Tor The Mad Monk.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-15 - QfG-Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-16 - QfGBattle Theme.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-17 - QfGThe Magic Meadow.ogg]]
| |
| * [[File:SSC-18 - Longbow-Opening Sequence.ogg]]
| |