Using the Wiki's Editor: Difference between revisions
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While the Wiki's editor is not a WYSIWYG editor, it can automatically add the right code to format your entered text the way you want. At the top of the editor there is a tool bar who's buttons will add the correct code to the selected text or current caret or cursor position. Once you become familiar you can also manually enter the correct code.
Text Formatting Options
Several of these buttons will be familiar to anyone that has used a word processor, such as Word.
Bold | |
File:Bold.png |
This will embolden the selected text. The Wiki code for bold is three apostrophes on either side of the text to be embolded: '''selected text''' . |
Italic | |
File:Italic.png |
This will italicize the selected text. The Wiki code for italicize is two apostrophes on either side of the text to be italicize: ''selected text'' . |
Linking to a Sierra Wiki Page | |
File:Link.png | Use this to link to another page on this Wiki where the selected text is the name of the page you wish to link to. Note that with the exception of the first character (which is always capitalized) the names are case sensitive. The Wiki code for linking is two square brackets on either side of the text to be linked: [[Name of Page]] .
Linking to an External Page | |
File:Extlink.png | Use this for an external link where the selected text is the URL or address of the page you wish to link to. To display text other than the URL in the link include a space between the URL and desired text to be used in the link. This will place single square brackets on either side of the selected text. The Wiki code for linking is single square brackets on either side of the text to be linked: [ text to be linked] .
Level Two Headline | |
File:Headline.png | This will set the selected text a level two headline. Not only will the included text be of a larger size, it will set an anchor point for a table of contents. The Wiki code for a level two headline is two equal signs on either side of the text to be included: == selected text == . |
Embed File | |
File:AddImage.png | This will set a file to be embedded. It can be an image or another allowed file type, such a PDF or ZIP. See the Quick Reference on working with images and Uploading and File Standards for more information on adding images and other files. The Wiki code for this is [[File:Example.jpg]] . |
Ignore Wiki Formatting | |
File:NoWiki.png | This will tell the Wiki software to ignore any characters that normally set formatting and display the characters instead. For example, an asterisk at the beginning of a line will be displayed as a bulleted list. Enclosing the asterisk with the nowiki tag will display the leading asterisk as an asterisk. The Wiki code for it is place the opening and closing nowiki tags on either side of the text to be ignored: <nowiki>selected text</nowiki> .
Insert Signature & Date | |
File:Signature.png | This will add your signature and time stamp to the page you are creating or editing. The Wiki code for is: --~~~~
Insert Horizontal Rule | |
File:HorizontalRule.png | This will insert a horizontal rule at the current caret or cursor position. Note that this will set a new line. The Wiki code for this is: ---- .
Underscore | |
File:FormatUnderscore.png | This will underscore the selected text. The Wiki code for it is: <u>selected text</u> .
Strike Through | |
File:FormatStrike.png | This will strike through the selected text. The Wiki code for this is: <strike>selected text</strike> .
Align Left | |
File:AlignLeft.png | This will align the current paragraph or object to the left. The Wiki code for this is: <div align="left">selected paragraph</div> .
Align Center | |
File:AlignCenter.png | This will center align the current paragraph or object. The Wiki code for this is: <div align="center">selected paragraph</div> .
Align Right | |
File:AlignRight.png | This will align the current paragraph or object to the right. The Wiki code for this is: <div align="right">selected paragraph</div> .
Justify | |
File:AlignJustify.png | This will center align the current paragraph or object. The Wiki code for this is: <div align="justify">selected paragraph</div> .
Indent | |
File:Indent.png | This will indent the selected paragraph or object. The Wiki code for this is place blockquote tags on either side of the text: <blockquote>selected text</blockquote> .
Alert (Red Text) | |
File:Red.png | This will set the selected text color to red for emphasis, such as for warnings. The Wiki code for this is: <span class="Alert">selected text</span> .
Disabled (Gray Text) | |
File:Gray.png | This will set the selected text color to gray to show it as disabled. The Wiki code for this is: <span class="Inactive">selected text</span> .
Add Reference | |
File:Reference.png | This will add a reference from the selected text. What is within the <ref> tags will be replaced with a reference link and will be added as a footnote at the bottom of the page. The contents of the reference can contain links and you can also comment out any notes about the reference that will not appear in the footnote. The Wiki code for this is: <ref>selected text</ref> . At the bottom of the page add:==<br /> References == <references />to set where the footnotes appear. |
Wikipedia Link | |
File:Wikipedia.png | This will create a Wikipedia link from the selected text. The actual Wikipedia page name will need to be added left of the added 'pipe'. The Wiki code for this is: [[w:Wikipedia Page to be linked|selected text]] .
Redirect Link | |
File:Redirect.png | This will create a redirect to another page on the Wiki. This is useful for redirecting a common shortened name of a game to the game's actual page, i.e. "KQ4" can be made to redirect to King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella. Just create a new page with the name you wish to redirect from, i.e. "KQ4". On that new page add the exact name of the page it should redirect to, i.e. King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella. Select that name and set the redirect. Note that no other content should be added to the page as the user will never see it. The Wiki code for this is: #REDIRECT [[Actual Page Name]] .
Superscript | |
File:Superscript.png | This will set the selected text to be displayed as superscript. The code for this is: <sup>selected text</sup> .
Subscript | |
File:Subscript.png | This will set the selected text to be displayed as subscript. The code for this is: <sub>selected text</sub> .
One Half | |
File:Half.png | This will insert a fractional "half" character at the current caret or cursor position. The Wiki code for this is: ½ .
One Quarter | |
File:Quarter.png | This will insert a fractional "quarter" character at the current caret or cursor position. The Wiki code for this is: ¼ .
Copyright | |
File:Copyright.png | This will insert copyright symbol at the current caret or cursor position. The Wiki code for is on either side of the text to be : © .
Comment | |
File:Comment.png | This will comment out the selected text, objects and/or blocks. Anything inside of the comment tags will not display on the page. This is useful for adding comments or temporary content that should not be displayed on the page, but will be preserved in the edit view. The Wiki code for this is to place opening and closing comment tags around what you do not want to be dispalyed: <!-- selected text or object --> .
Add Non-breaking Space | |
File:NoBreak.png | This will insert a non-breaking space at the current caret or cursor position. It should be used instead of an actual space. This will prevent a new line from being set between two words you want to keep together. The Wiki code for this is: selected text .
Line Break | |
File:NewLine.png | This will force a new line at the current caret or cursor position. This will assure that the new line will be displayed at the selected position, regardless of how the Wiki software tries to parse it. The Wiki code for it is: <br /> .
Insert Wiki Table | |
File:Table.png | This will insert an empty table at the current caret or cursor position. You may then insert the desired content in the cell. See Using Tables for more information on creating and editing tables. The Wiki code for a Wiki table is: {| cellpadding="10" align="center" width="85%" |- |align="center"| Insert content here |} |
Add Template | |
File:Template.png | This will insert template tags around the selected text. You can see a list of the available templates here: Sierra Wiki Template List. The Wiki code is: {{TemplateName}} .
AGI Highlighting | |
File:AGI.png | This will add AGI syntax highlighting to the selected text. See Supported Syntax Highlight Languages for other supported languages. The Wiki code is: <div class="CodeBlockHeader">AGI Code:</div> <syntaxhighlight lang="agi"> code here </syntaxhighlight> |
SCI Highlighting | |
File:SCI.png | This will add SCI syntax highlighting to the selected text. See Supported Syntax Highlight Languages for other supported languages. The Wiki code is: <div class="CodeBlockHeader">SCI Code:</div> <syntaxhighlight lang="sci"> code here </syntaxhighlight> |
Code | |
File:Code.png | This will add "code" tags around the selected text. The Wiki code is: <code>selected text</code> .
Preformatted | |
File:Pre.png | This will set preformatted tags around the selected text. This will display the text just as it would appear in a plain text editor like the Windows Notepad or Mac SimpleText. The Wiki code for is on either side of the text to be : <pre>selected text</pre> .