Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! Technical

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Revision as of 15:43, 11 January 2025 by Andrew Branscom (talk | contribs)
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General Information





Minimum OS:
Minimum CPU: Intel IntelDX4 66[1]
Minimum RAM: 8 MB (DOS), 12 MB (Windows)[2]
Minimum Video RAM: N/A
Graphics Modes: VESA, SVGA
Audio Hardware: Soundcard w/ DAC, Digital Audio
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse
Media: 1 CD disc
CD-ROM Speed: 2X[3]


  • Official Leisure Suit Larry 7 Patch (LSL7PAT)   ZIP File [1.00 MB]
    • Lockup when passing gas in the casino.
    • Crash when typing more than 20 characters in the text box
    • Error 48 when saving and restoring games
    • Random lockups

New Installer

Requires files from the original distribution media.

Debug Modes

Activate the debug mode using the "CLASSES" method and when in the game, press both SHIFT keys and the PLUS key located at the NUMERIC keypad at the same time. This only seems to work with the DOS version of the game. The key combination is not needed (for both versions) at (for instance) the main menu of the game.

Command Action
[ALT + A] Add view
[ALT + B] Capture screenshot (in BMP format)
[ALT + C] Show cast (information about all objects on screen)
[ALT + D] Show current view information
[ALT + E] Show ego information
[ALT + F] Edit features
[ALT + G] Show/set/clear flag
[ALT + H] Show features & obstacles
[ALT + I] Get inventory item
[ALT + J] Load picture
[ALT + K] Blink current view(?)
[ALT + M] Dump debug log
[ALT + N] New palette
[ALT + P] Polygon editor (edit walking areas)
[ALT + R] Show room info / free memory
[ALT + S] Scaler tools
[ALT + T] Teleport (change room/scene/script)
[ALT + U] Give HandsOn (return user control)
[ALT + X] Exit game
[ALT + Y] Show polygons
[CTRL + C] Check audio card
[CTRL + G] Give ego necessary items for room
[CTRL + L] Log errors
[CTRL + R] Play a robot
[CTRL + D] Sound test
[SHIFT + /] Help
Numeric keypad keys
Command Action
[DELETE] Delete current object
[8] Rotate current (actor) right
[2] Rotate current (actor) left
[4] Decrease current (prop) cel
[6] Increase current (prop) cel
[1] Decrease current (prop) loop
[3] Increase current (prop) loop


  1. Pentium preferred
  2. 16 MB preferred
  3. 4X preferred

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