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SCI Tutorials and Guides

Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Author: Phil Fortier



Having an evil ego walking around is a good time to worry about dying.

Coding Death

Let's make the ego die when the evil ego gets close. Add a script to the evilEgo. We can delete the changeState method (we don't need it) and just use doit(). Furthermore, we can override init() in the evilEgo and set the script there. That looks like:

SCI Code:

<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">

   (instance evilEgo of Actor
           view 1
           x 231
           y 131
           signal ignAct
           noun N_EVILEGO
           moveSpeed 30
           cycleSpeed 30
       (method (init)
           (super init: &rest)
           (self setScript: evilEgoScript)
   (instance evilEgoScript of Script
       (method (doit)
           (super doit:)


Now in our doit() method we need to see how close the evilEgo is to the player, and kill them if evilEgo is too close:

SCI Code:

<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">

   (instance evilEgoScript of Script
       (method (doit)
           (super doit:)
           (if (<= (client distanceTo: gEgo) 25)


Is it that easy? Yes it is! You can also pass a number to Die to indicate a death reason. This lets you customize your death screen. The default one in the template game is a little spartan, but you can open DeathRoom.sc and customize to your heart's content when you're more familiar with SCI.

What if there were a way to fight back?


Also See


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