Wrath of Denethenor Development

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Game Development

This is a fantasy adventure game I designed and wrote for the Apple II in 1984-85.

I began writing the game in my last year of high school and finished it up during my first year of college. A friend from high school, Kevin Christiansen, helped out by building the graphics routines and tools for the Apple II version. At Sierra On-Line’s request, I ported the game to the Commodore 64 — which was only possible since it shared the same processor family — but which required redoing all of the graphics routines.

Game Design Document

  • Manual Unavailable

Concept Art

Design Notes

Developer Notes

Christopher CrimCitation Required[2] wrote:

The whole thing was written in 6502 assembly instructions, compiled with Merlin and hand-linked! (Yeah, crazy!) It was large enough that I couldn’t fit all the code plus the current map and data in memory at once (even with a 64K requirement) so I had to fashion a system of loadable segments with known jump points — no dynamic linker available.

When I designed Wrath of Denethenor, I wasn’t much interested in creating a stats-heavy RPG or rolling characters with predefined roles. It was my intention that your character started out generic and you played it as you wished: heavy on magic or fighting or thievery, etc. I suppose you might say it was more of a hack-and-slash adventure game. What I wanted to focus on and what I enjoyed the most out of games at the time like Ultima was the exploration aspect. I also spent a lot of time to try to create effects and events and traps that were very specific and visual and not just “you’ve encountered a trap and lost 10 hit points”.

Game Transcript

  • Wrath of Denethenor Game Transcript


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