SCI Parser Programmer's Reference/Said Syntax: Difference between revisions
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Said syntax
Said-specs are written in a sub-language with its own syntax and operators to produce expressions not unlike those we use for arithmetic.
The main concept implemented by the "Said-er" is:
Note that the slash is a part of the description of a dobj or iobj, not a detached separator.
Each part can be made OPTIONAL by enclosing it in brackets. This is also true for any subpart. Thus 'look [ /rock ]' means a phrase with verb 'look' and an optional direct object that should be 'rock' if present. Note that the slash is INSIDE the brackets.
Signaled using "<", a given root can have multiple modifiers as in "sit down on bed" which can be specified by 'sit<down<on/bed' since the two prepositions are modifiers to the verb.
In general, adverbs and prepositions modify verbs, adjectives modify nouns or other adjectives and nouns modify other nouns.
Let's say we want to respond the same way to either "start the car" and "turn on the car" this can be done with OR alternatives: 'start,(turn<on)/car'
The comma means "OR". Notice the parenthesis surrounding turn<on; they are required because "," has higher PRECEDENCE than "<". This is just like common arithmetic expressions, as in 2*3+4 versus 2*(3+4) where the parenthesis make the difference between getting 10 or 14 because "*" has higher precedence than "+"
Also See
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