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Word Suffixes


Here is a complete list of word suffixes, with examples (located in the vocab.901) from the template game. My understanding is that these are used by the parser if the inputted word cannot be matched in the vocab.000. Then it attempts to find a match here, and if it does the parser will use the suffixed word class while parsing. This also explains why there are minimal/no pluralized words in the vocab - you should be able to use the root word & the parse will still work properly.

ou cannot use suffixed words in developing Said() strings (however, it may minimize the number of strings you need to write), it just helps out with the user input.

   (if(Said('take/knife'))       // This will respond to both 'take knife' & 'take knives'!
   (if(Said('take/knives'))      // Will NOT compile, knives is not in the vocab!

The asterisks in the table corresponds to the word stem (you can think of it as a wildcard of sorts).

word class
word class
*s noun * noun Dogs – dog
*es noun * noun Bottles – bottle
*ies noun *y noun Bodies – body
*men noun *man noun Firemen – fireman
*ves noun *fe noun Knives – knife
*ves noun *f noun Thieves – thief
*people noun *person noun
*ing imperative verb/noun/adj * imperative verb Knocking – knock
*ing article * article
*ing imperative verb/noun/adj *e imperative verb Waking – wake
*ing article *e article
*nning imperative verb/noun/adj *n imperative verb Beginning – begin
*pping imperative verb/noun/adj *p imperative verb Tripping – trip
*mming imperative verb/noun/adj *m imperative verb Programming – program
*tting imperative verb/noun/adj *t imperative verb Getting – get
*rring imperative verb/noun/adj *r imperative verb Whirring – whir
*gging imperative verb/noun/adj *g imperative verb Bugging – bug
*ed noun/adj * imperative verb Killed – kill
*ed noun/adj *e imperative verb Praised – praise
*nned noun/adj *n imperative verb Scanned – scan
*pped noun/adj *p imperative verb Whipped – whip
*mmed noun/adj *m imperative verb Hemmed – hem
*tted noun/adj *t imperative verb Inputted – input
*rred noun/adj *r imperative verb
*gged noun/adj *g imperative verb Hugged – hug
*ied noun/adj *y imperative verb Empied – empty
*er noun/adj * imperative verb/adj Adjuster – adjust
*er noun/adj *e imperative verb/adj Tickler – tickle
*nner noun/adj *n imperative verb/adj Thin - thinner
*pper noun/adj *p imperative verb/adj Clapper – clap
*mmer noun/adj *m imperative verb/adj Slimmer – slim
*tter noun/adj *t imperative verb/adj Shutter – shut
*rrer noun/adj *r imperative verb/adj
*gger noun/adj *g imperative verb/adj Flagger – flag
*ier noun/adj *y imperative verb/adj Angrier – angry
*est adjective * adjective Sharpest – sharp
*est adjective *e adjective
*nnest adjective *n adjective Thinnest – thin
*ppest adjective *p adjective
*mmest adjective *m adjective Trimmest - trim
*ttest adjective *t adjective Hottest – hot
*rrest adjective *r adjective
*ggest adjective *g adjective Biggest – big
*iest adjective *y adjective Shiniest – shiny
*ly adjective * adjective
*y adjective * noun Watery – water
*ish adjective * adjective Yellowish – yellow


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