Category:Quotation Pages
From Sierra Wiki
A list of pages with quotations.
Also See
This category has the following 28 subcategories, out of 28 total.
Pages in category "Quotation Pages"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 381 total.
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- Acidopolis Demo
- AdLib
- Adventure Game Combat
- Adventure Game Interpreter
- Adventures of a Crazed Hermit Demo
- Agent 0055
- AGI Piano
- Air Bucks
- Akihiko Yoshida
- Al Eufrasio
- Al Lowe
- Al Pond 2: Island Quest
- Alan White
- Ali's Bookshop
- Allen Barrett
- Ancient Art of War Development
- Andrew Baker
- Andrew Korson
- Apple II Computer Graphics
- Arrays as Object Properties (SCI)
- Aubrey Hodges
- Avis Durgan
- Babylon 5: Into the Fire
- Babylon 5: Into the Fire Development
- Barry Smith
- Beach of Isle of the Sacred Mountain
- Beast's Garden
- Beast's Hedge Maze
- Ben Croshaw
- Ben Houge
- Betrayal at Krondor Soundtrack
- Bill Crow
- Bill Davis Jr.
- Bill Farmer
- Billy Sherwood
- Blue Sky Software
- Botz!
- Bridget McKenna
- Bright Star Technology
- Bruce Balfour
- Bruce Fairbairn
- Bruce Sharp
- Bruce Thornton
- Cam Clarke
- Castle of Dr. Brain Demo
- Cathianne Blore
- Cave of the Sacred Oracle
- Chainsaw Monday
- Chris Braymen
- Chris Cromer
- Chris Hunt
- Chris Squire
- Chris Williams
- Chuck Benton
- Chuck Bueche
- Circle of Druid Magic
- City of the Winged Ones
- City Palace
- CLOAK: The Naked Mind Development
- CLOAK: The Naked Mind Misc
- Coktel Vision
- Colonel's Bequest
- Colonel's Bequest Development
- Colonel's Bequest Misc
- Colonel's Bequest Soundtrack
- Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood Development
- CPU-21 Demo
- CUC International
- D. J. Williams
- Damon Slye
- Dashiki
- Dave's Quest Demo
- David Aughenbaugh
- David Homb
- David Wolf: Secret Agent
- David Wolf: Secret Agent Development
- Death's Gate (location)
- Debug Modes
- DeluxePaint II
- Derek Karlavaegen
- Design Documents
- Devon Myers
- Diane Pershing
- Die Hard Development
- Dimension of Death
- Discoveries in Learning Series
- Domain's Quest
- Douglas Seale
- G-Engine
- Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
- Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned Development
- Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Soundtrack
- Game Adaptation Language
- Geisha
- Gennadi Tahab Autot: Mission Pack 1 - Kuressaare
- Girl in the Tower: The Love Theme From King's Quest VI
- Go West, Young Hippie Demo
- Gold Rush! Technical
- Goodman Demo
- Gourd of the Beans Combat Beta Test
- Gourd of the Beans Demo
- Gourd of the Beans: An Unplanned Adventure
- Grace Nakimura
- Graphics Magician
- Grateful Dead Game Demo
- Gregg Berger
- Jack and Julia: VAMPYR Demo
- Jacqueline Austin
- JAGI (Java)
- James Carey
- James Dover
- Jan Paul Moorhead
- Jan Rabson
- Jane Jensen
- Jason Hayes
- Jay Dee Alley
- Jay Lee
- Jeff Bennett
- Jeff Leibowitz
- Jeff Mills
- Jeff Tunnell Productions
- Jeff's Quest Demo
- Jen's Quest Demo
- Jennifer Hale
- Jess Harnell
- Jim Cummings
- Jim Edwards
- Jim Napier
- Jimmy in the Alien Attack
- Joan Gerber
- Joe Ybarra
- Joel McCormick
- John Cutter
- John Garvin
- John Hamilton
- John Miles
- John Peel
- John Rhys-Davies
- John Williams
- Johnny Castaway Screen Antics
- Jolly Roger Epic Productions
- Jon Anderson
- Jon Milnes
- Joseph Wofford
- Josh Mandel
- Josh Mandel's Sierra Eulogy